Sherwood Pines off-piste Sun 22nd Sep


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@Digcon and others, the instructions for where to meet in the Pines car park are:

Those with a pass or prefer the Pines car park, meet ready to ride at 10:am by the cafe veranda.
Here is the post code for Pines: NG21 9JL

Stop following the code as soon as you turn off the main road through the entrance to Sherwood Pines, as it takes you to the Forest England offices. Just follow the signs for the car park. Your number plate will be scanned on entry. When you are ready to leave, go to one of the pay stations and enter your car reg and pay. Exit the car park (not the way you came in) and your plate will be scanned at the barrier to let you out.

From the car park there is a bunch of buildings downslope (shop, toilet block, cafe). The cafe is the one on the right. The veranda overlooks a large field used for pop concerts. Meet by the veranda, 10am ready to ride.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I re-planned the route last night and tested it again today. I've got 17 miles plus any sessioning that anyone might want to do. The Bike Park is worth several trips through at least.

I've squeezed in more of the good stuff and now we've got two proper scary descents. One that @myapes and I have both done before several times, but it is steadily getting worse. I now won't do it when I'm on my own. :cautious: The other one, the one that I mentioned earlier is still there, waiting to be ridden. I'm almost hoping none of you lot rides it because then I'll have to! :eek: It's the top 20' that is the worst, the rest is all downhill (as they say). :LOL:


Aug 28, 2018
I re-planned the route last night and tested it again today. I've got 17 miles plus any sessioning that anyone might want to do. The Bike Park is worth several trips through at least.

I've squeezed in more of the good stuff and now we've got two proper scary descents. One that @myapes and I have both done before several times, but it is steadily getting worse. I now won't do it when I'm on my own. :cautious: The other one, the one that I mentioned earlier is still there, waiting to be ridden. I'm almost hoping none of you lot rides it because then I'll have to! :eek: It's the top 20' that is the worst, the rest is all downhill (as they say). :LOL:
Hi Steve, What sort of elevation are you getting over the 17 miles. I've always thought of Pines as being too flat but never done any OP there.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Hi @BILLYP2000 I have not got one of those devices that record elevation, so I have no idea what total elevation I would record during a ride there.

Sherwood Pines is generally thought of as flat. But it is definitely not flat! I have just been on Google Earth and rolled the cursor over the area. The highest point that we will be going is about 380 ft above sea level, the average over the area we will be riding is 280 ft with the lowest at 260 ft, that I could see. I agree that 100 feet of variation is not much at all when compared to the Peak District or Wales, but it is how the trails use it. Several years ago, I took a guy around the red trail who was from Dalby Forest and who had been dismissing Pines without ever having been. He was gasping for breath before we were one third of the way round. Mostly the trails go up and then down again, so that you are unaware of gaining height, then suddenly there's a steep 10-20ft drop! or a long descent. (Not the red, but off piste).

The ride we will be doing on Sun 22nd Sep (see previous for meeting points and time) is mostly off-piste. I will only be using the recognised trails for moving around the forest, but there are some good bits on the red that are too nice to miss out. The "scary" bits that I refer to are both outside what Forest England would acknowledge as "theirs". They are scary to me, so that is my perspective, but I know that the easier one of the two commands respect from everyone that has ridden it, many refuse. There are two so called "scary" descents that you will have the option of. Plus lots of other drops that will make you think before riding.
Note, my estimates of height are just that, estimates - hence the range given.
The first "scary" is about 40' - 50' high, and avoidable by an easy diversion, I would not like to try to walk a bike down it. I have ridden this about half a dozen times, but it is deteriorating with use and I will no longer ride this when on my own. (I'm not good with heights and I don't really commit, so I'm more likely to come off). It is heart in the mouth time for me when about to launch.

The second "scary" is between 60' and 80' high and the bottom is hard to see which is off putting (to me at least). It is walk-able, with extra care for the first 20'. I have not ridden this descent. There is a nearby alternative that is about 50' and curves so again you can't see the bottom. It is ride-able with care but easily walk-able. This is the one we will do if nobody fancies the big one. I have ridden this alternative once and fallen off once. I have other alternatives, but they are quite a bit further away, so walking down is the sensible alternative.

If your concern is about battery life, I doubt that it will be a problem. I ride a Focus Jam2 with the 378Whr battery and I had two bars left when I did the route on Friday last. I didn't do any sessioning, but if I had I'm sure that I would still have had battery power left. I didn't use Boost except for a few seconds here and there. I weigh about 14.5 stone in my riding kit.


Aug 28, 2018
Hi @BILLYP2000 I have not got one of those devices that record elevation, so I have no idea what total elevation I would record during a ride there.

Sherwood Pines is generally thought of as flat. But it is definitely not flat! I have just been on Google Earth and rolled the cursor over the area. The highest point that we will be going is about 380 ft above sea level, the average over the area we will be riding is 280 ft with the lowest at 260 ft, that I could see. I agree that 100 feet of variation is not much at all when compared to the Peak District or Wales, but it is how the trails use it. Several years ago, I took a guy around the red trail who was from Dalby Forest and who had been dismissing Pines without ever having been. He was gasping for breath before we were one third of the way round. Mostly the trails go up and then down again, so that you are unaware of gaining height, then suddenly there's a steep 10-20ft drop! or a long descent. (Not the red, but off piste).

The ride we will be doing on Sun 22nd Sep (see previous for meeting points and time) is mostly off-piste. I will only be using the recognised trails for moving around the forest, but there are some good bits on the red that are too nice to miss out. The "scary" bits that I refer to are both outside what Forest England would acknowledge as "theirs". They are scary to me, so that is my perspective, but I know that the easier one of the two commands respect from everyone that has ridden it, many refuse. There are two so called "scary" descents that you will have the option of. Plus lots of other drops that will make you think before riding.
Note, my estimates of height are just that, estimates - hence the range given.
The first "scary" is about 40' - 50' high, and avoidable by an easy diversion, I would not like to try to walk a bike down it. I have ridden this about half a dozen times, but it is deteriorating with use and I will no longer ride this when on my own. (I'm not good with heights and I don't really commit, so I'm more likely to come off). It is heart in the mouth time for me when about to launch.

The second "scary" is between 60' and 80' high and the bottom is hard to see which is off putting (to me at least). It is walk-able, with extra care for the first 20'. I have not ridden this descent. There is a nearby alternative that is about 50' and curves so again you can't see the bottom. It is ride-able with care but easily walk-able. This is the one we will do if nobody fancies the big one. I have ridden this alternative once and fallen off once. I have other alternatives, but they are quite a bit further away, so walking down is the sensible alternative.

If your concern is about battery life, I doubt that it will be a problem. I ride a Focus Jam2 with the 378Whr battery and I had two bars left when I did the route on Friday last. I didn't do any sessioning, but if I had I'm sure that I would still have had battery power left. I didn't use Boost except for a few seconds here and there. I weigh about 14.5 stone in my riding kit.
Thanks for the response Steve. I usually ride off piste trails in North Yorkshire and there's some pretty tasty stuff out there so this sounds interesting. Not too concerned about the battery, especially at this time of the year. All being well I should be ready to roll from the car park @ 10.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Thanks for the response Steve. I usually ride off piste trails in North Yorkshire and there's some pretty tasty stuff out there so this sounds interesting. Not too concerned about the battery, especially at this time of the year. All being well I should be ready to roll from the car park @ 10.

I don't want to oversell it, this is not the Peak District. There are no rocks to be seen except those put there by the trail builders on the red and blue trails and in the Bike Park. Expect lots of roots, brambles, bracken, fallen trees, overhanging branches, tree stumps and narrow single track. Some of the trails are fast. Eye wear and leg protection is recommended.

I nearly forgot, there are three places where you can see a ledge of sandstone. It had to be sandstone didn't it, given that there so so much sand around the place?
The whole area was a training ground for troops during World War One. The training was in how to build trenches, shore them up, build living accommodation in the trenches and also how to erect large defensive ridges. All done by hand! When the war ended, they just stopped and walked away. The Forestry Commission was created one year later and they planted pine trees all over the place. 100 years later, those trenches and ridges are still there, albeit amongst the trees. We will be riding along, up, down, and over some of those features.

Shooting the breeze and urine extraction are par for the course. :love:

If you are meeting at the Pines car park, don't forget it will be by the cafe veranda, 10am ready to ride.
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Aug 14, 2019
Steve, due to other commits, I can't attend this soiree, however I've spoken to a few friends who are local ish, and they are hoping to get along..(maybe..)

Unfortunately, they aren't on here, so I've forwarded the ride details to them. If you find there are more than expected, then they might be the vagabonds, that I've spoken about. Obviously, things may change for them during the week, however I'll try to let you know, if they are indeed attending..

Should anyone need resuscitating, I personally wouldn't let 'Doot' do the chest compressions or mouth to mouth. He'll be on a cube, & his acquaintences, will be on Jam 2's. They are all dive masters/instructors, so don't show them any water..!

I'll keep you posted fella..(y)


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@118 even though you are unable to go, because your two mates might be, check in here on Sat pm to see if there have been any developments. Then if I've had to cancel because my bike broke (for example), then you can let them know.


Aug 14, 2019
@118 even though you are unable to go, because your two mates might be, check in here on Sat pm to see if there have been any developments. Then if I've had to cancel because my bike broke (for example), then you can let them know.

I'll be checking in alright, as my w/e plans have changed somewhat, so I'm hoping to get along.. all the way from sunny Norfolk, woohoo! As for the other 3 'herberts', they've suddenly gone quiet, so maybe their plans, like mine, have changed too..

Looking forward to it chap.. (if you don't break anything prior..)


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Can we confirm a meeting place I’ve got a pass for car park but happy to meet wherever
There two meeting places. Car park for those happy to pay a fee, somewhere else for those who choose not to pay, or it's just more convenient.
See post #17 for full details

I have a pass so I'll be using in the car park, meeting near the cafe veranda ready to ride at 10:00

The second location meeting time is 09:50 ready to ride. Meeting with @myapes near the green gate. He will lead the convoy to the cafe veranda above.
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Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
Hi Steve

When I first responded to your invite, I said I would be there as long as"it wasn't peeing it down".
Well the rideout weather gremlins look like striking again as rain is now forecast for all day tomorrow.
I wouldn't normally bother about a bit of rain but both Shimano motors on the bikes I have are proving to be extremely fragile. One is out of commission and the other started playing up yesterday and I don't really have the confidence in it to test it in crappy conditions.
Still hope to be there but will decide tomorrow morning.


jonnie brads

Jan 29, 2019
Tempted for tomorrow just in Italy whilst typing this and flying this aft home. Had 4 weeks off with a broken hand so dying to get back on the bike ? my understanding is the meeting point is Sherwood pines at 10 am set off ? Is anyone els on a focus ? I don't have a Tec pack so might need to work hard of you guys are boost everywhere ? never done a emtb ride I just go out with mates on non assisted ?


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@jonnie brads I have a Focus Jam2 29er and my frame battery has proved up to the task with 4 miles to spare. My riding weight is 14.5 stone (92kg). I don't go everywhere in Boost and everyone will be following me, so you should be OK. If you get the red bars and have concerns, you are never more than 2 miles from the car park and I can direct you back there quite easily.
Stick with me and you will be fine. :)

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