@Rob Hancill
There are a lot of threads on the forum asking questions about suspension set-up.
I think it would be good to sticky a guide to suspension set-up for all users to easily find.
@steve_sordy just posted an excellent and fairly thorough PDF guide to suspension set up in the commencal forum.
Everyone wanting to gain a decent understand of how to set-up their suspension should have a read through this honest and easy to understand guide on suspension set-up.
Seb Stott's video guide on basic set-up is very good too
and his slightly more advanced guide here:
For anyone looking to understand more advanced info on suspension technology and set-up here are a few more links:
Steve from https://vorsprungsuspension.com has done a series of indepth suspension videos and articles on pinkbike named "The Tuesday tune EPs" Here's episode #1
Inside Fox Float Fork Spring Systems - Video - Pinkbike
and a link to the full series videos
all Video Channel by videoThe Tuesday Tune Ep 24 - Pinkbike
The articles and Blogs by Steve can be found here
VorsprungSuspension's Blog - Pinkbike
Anyone looking to understand suspension frame design and kinematics characteristics could do worse than read what Andrextr has to say on the subject or watch his videos
Here's Andre's Youtube channel
His playlists
Rear suspension fundamentals playlist
MTB Rear Suspension - YouTube
Antonio Osuna's excellent blog where he compares and discusses various rear suspension linkage designs, the leverage curves, antirise, anti squat, pedal kickback and forces data associated with them and their characeristics in depth over many bikes and suspension designs.
Linkage Design
Software to use to determine the kinematics and characteristics of any frame for yourself.
Linkage Bike Simulation Software - Home
Little bit more indepth/advanced explanation of the first thing you should be setting up. Sag.
including how to and why descriptions of the process From Steve at vorsprung suspension:
And finally... a comparison between the current two biggest players in mtb suspension incl a little company/product history and differences in approach between the two
There are a lot of threads on the forum asking questions about suspension set-up.
I think it would be good to sticky a guide to suspension set-up for all users to easily find.
@steve_sordy just posted an excellent and fairly thorough PDF guide to suspension set up in the commencal forum.
Everyone wanting to gain a decent understand of how to set-up their suspension should have a read through this honest and easy to understand guide on suspension set-up.
Seb Stott's video guide on basic set-up is very good too
and his slightly more advanced guide here:
For anyone looking to understand more advanced info on suspension technology and set-up here are a few more links:
Steve from https://vorsprungsuspension.com has done a series of indepth suspension videos and articles on pinkbike named "The Tuesday tune EPs" Here's episode #1
Inside Fox Float Fork Spring Systems - Video - Pinkbike
and a link to the full series videos
all Video Channel by videoThe Tuesday Tune Ep 24 - Pinkbike
The articles and Blogs by Steve can be found here
VorsprungSuspension's Blog - Pinkbike
Anyone looking to understand suspension frame design and kinematics characteristics could do worse than read what Andrextr has to say on the subject or watch his videos
Here's Andre's Youtube channel
His playlists
Rear suspension fundamentals playlist
MTB Rear Suspension - YouTube
Antonio Osuna's excellent blog where he compares and discusses various rear suspension linkage designs, the leverage curves, antirise, anti squat, pedal kickback and forces data associated with them and their characeristics in depth over many bikes and suspension designs.
Linkage Design
Software to use to determine the kinematics and characteristics of any frame for yourself.
Linkage Bike Simulation Software - Home
Little bit more indepth/advanced explanation of the first thing you should be setting up. Sag.
including how to and why descriptions of the process From Steve at vorsprung suspension:
And finally... a comparison between the current two biggest players in mtb suspension incl a little company/product history and differences in approach between the two

Fox Vs RockShox Mountain Bike Forks & Shocks
FOX and RockShox are the top two brands in the world of mountain bike suspension forks. So how do you choose the right suspension fork for your ride? We go deep on the details so you know what to look for when shopping for your next mountain bike or fork.

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