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  • Salut, j'espère que tu vas bien.
    Il me semble que t'avais répondu à ma question M820 ou M510 mais je retrouve plus la réponse ? pourtant c'était pertinent il me semble ? J'allais rebondir et te remercier
    En te souhaitant une bonne soirée :cool:
    Evening mate,
    Ok if I pick your brains, as you seem to be the font of Bafangery!!!
    Have had a emythique VR since mid August , same as you saw it as a potential diamond and put a Zeb and Code RSC,s on it and looked forward to a reliable bike as it couldn't be any worse than the EP8 Sommets I had previously.
    I have done 196 miles on it and everything has gone well (apart from a replacement display which needed changed 30 miles in as the bike would not power up consistently)
    However on Saturday past the bike would power up but displaying a fault code 35 and 05, bike would ride with power intermittently but more concerning it would drive without any crank input. I have dropped the motor and all plugs are dry, intact and shiny (no corrosion)
    However if I drop the chain off the spider there is a considerable amount of resistance when rotating the crankshaft as if pedalling. I am wandering is this due to water ingress affecting the bearings and maybe affecting the controller.
    I am reluctant to ship back to CRC warranty in case they go pop and I then lose the motor.
    Your thoughts would be appreciated.

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