BLEvo, the best thing for your Levo and Kenevo


My my previous post was too long and therefore caused confusion as I tried to write it down in full detail.

You are right, for a Levo with firmware 2.025 or newer (or Kenenvo 2020) with original speed limit of 25km/h, you will end up with the 2000 setting at a theoretical max speed of 28,8km/h. ((2300/2000)x25)= 28,75km/h. However in practice there is a little overshoot during the cut off so mine stops assisting around 30/31km/h.

With the previous longer post I meant, I personally can't see any issues (in terms of warranty voiding besides breaking the law) when a rider would change the WC to a value that would bring a bike with an original speed limit of 25km/h to 32km/h as this is the same speed limit as in the US. For the Levo 2019 this should correspond to a WC value of 1800.

However the WC can only be modified by the rider (via BLEvo or Lightblue) for the Levo 2016/2017/2018 or Levo 2019 with firmware 2.019 (later 2019 firmware versions WC has been blocked but can be changed by LBS to the minimum 2000) and Kenevo 2017/2018/2019.

Hope this explains...
At all!
The problem is sometimes in long distance transfert, with so many cars so near to the rider when i go with road bike i go often over 35kmh i m 42 years old but it since i was a child i race with road bike ,so for the safety a speed too low in my opinion its very dangerous in the moment you became an hostacle to circulation with too much difference from you and the cars,camion ecc around.


E*POWAH Master
Oct 3, 2018
No big deal but curious - I have a 2019 Kenevo TCU v1.7.0 which was set at 25 km/h 2000mm on delivery due to custom wheels maybe? BLEvo reports it as 28.8 km/h 2100mm & cannot be set lower while egenesis reports as 25 km/h 2000mm.

A 2019 Kenevo doesn't have a TCU which limits the WC setting. So someone maybe set the WC to 2000 due to whatever reason. A reason could be custom wheels. You bought it second hand?

In BLEvo you should only enter the REAL WC. Blevo then calculates the max. speed based on the fake 2000 setting and the real WC which you selected in BLEvo. In case you like to adjust the speed you simply pull the speed limit slider left or right and leave the REAL WC like it is. BLEvo then adjusts the fake WC to the desired max. speed which is saved in the motor. Egenesis does the same trick.

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