2018 Giant Full-E+ 1 - Totally dead

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
Hi All
I am new to this forum less than 12 hours. I joined in the hope of finding out what is going on with my 2018 Giant Full-E+ 1 Pro - That is totally dead.
I have 2 of these bikes so got duel batteries! So here goes what happened, Wednesday was Sunny' bike not been near any water at all, I rode the bike to a friends it was fine the battery was 100% charged, left bike stood and swiched on for about 25 mins, when came back screen was off as it should be,
the bike would not turn back on' the display screen totally blank, rode back home with no power, so first thing i tried was my other 100% charged battery' which is working fine on the other bike, still nothing at all comes on, unplugged the little 8 pin plug from hand control to the screen, did notice a little green spot of dust , but nothing really, little spray of WD40 then cleaned, plugged back totally still will not swich on, i then noticed when you wheel the bike backwards, there is a lot of resistance as if it is in gear, my other bike wheels backwards freely. this faulty bike only has about 550 miles on the clock, i would say this broken bikes motor was always a little noisey in certain gears at the side of its sister bike. I am thinking it must be somthing with the motor.
Any Help would be grately appreciated !!!!!!!


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
Having 2 makes it easier to isolate the problem - change bar controller , then evo screen between bikes to decide where the issue is.

Then decide if you want to drop the motor and plug that into the good bike to exclude a wiring harness issue.

I'll be interested to hear how helpful giant / your lbs is if the issue is from the motor .

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
Hi I have just put the bikes side by side, plugged the working handle bar controller to the faulty bike' still same nothing comes on.
As i said' the main problem that is worrying me is, you can peddle it forward and also move it forward freely, But pull the bike backwards and its hard like its in a gear with no power , you have to really use a bit of power to wheel it backwards. the motor is definatly engaged backwards.
Any thoughts Appreciated !


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
Just inside the frame up near headset on the left is the plug between evo screen and wiring harness - try swapping screens. The screen acts as a controller and might have left the motor engaged ( unlikely, but it's a much easier check than delving into the motor or worse a replacement)

The good news is a 2020 pwx2 rides much better than that pwx1.... the bad news is you'll need a newer evo screen to be compatible.

Good luck

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
Hi Thank you for eliminating the aspect of the bar controller and the screen for me.
I pulled the wires from screens' out of the frames on the left of both bikes, i connected the all working bike' using its hand controller and head set then plugged them directly to the plug going into the frame of the none working bike, exactly the same nothing comes on.
I am now even more convinced its somthing definatly to do with the motor. i am tempted to strip this motor off, and buy a bearing kit, but it maybe electronic which will lose me, im thinking it may be best taking back to giant , even thoe i know it will be out of warranty,
Any thoughts anyone?

Bearing Man

Ebike Motor Centre
Sep 29, 2018
Sounds like water damage to the motor and circuit board, more than a set of bearings to sort that out ? As giant have their own software, we can’t help with a board either!

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
Going back to last year summer time ! I washed the bike and hosed it down , then for about a week it would not turn off,
had to remove battery to swich off.
The bike did a fully recovery' after a few days and a hairdryer on the job,
last week 1 day prior to nothing working, i did a 40 mile ride, it was perfect other than a motor wine its always had, this bike has always been dry garaged and not near any water since the hose wash last year! i would guess a gear has locked in motor'
That does not let bike move freely backwards, and prob tripped out the electrics in some way. !!! So upto press' i have deduced the battery is fine , the handle bar controller is fine, the head display is fine, so its got to be motor or cicuit board in motor or both, as i will have no warranty on this bike, Giant will probably say new motor And i have hered there £1000 , does anyone know anywhere who does a full recon on this syncdrive sport unit? Thank for all advice so far.

Giant Motor.JPG


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
Sad to hear.

One more pointer - if you have the syncdrive sport rather than pro, I think your bike is just a full e, NOT a full e PRO

(I'd hate to see you fork out for the wrong motor / parts!)


Active member
Dec 27, 2019
Sad to hear.

One more pointer - if you have the syncdrive sport rather than pro, I think your bike is just a full e, NOT a full e PRO

(I'd hate to see you fork out for the wrong motor / parts!)
if it`s orange downtube going to red at rear and sport motor it`s
the full e + 1 not pro

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
Yes You are Both Correct its the Giant E+1 ,when i did my first post' I just got a pic of same bike up and in the wording it said pro.
never been sure what bikes i have LOl.
On a sepperate note, i have just been to faulty bike , pressed the power indicator on bike battery and tried battery on good bike and its totally flat' it was 100% charged before bike stopped responding, My good battery on other bike still with 66% charge'
Works on the good bike ,but still nothing on the faulty bike.
So i have just realised the faulty bike has drained the battery without no power being shown on head unit, Could this point to somthing ???


New Member
Feb 2, 2022
@Terry Brook where did this end up for you? I only ask since I have the identicle issue with my 2018 Giant Dirt E+. Was riding on a bit of steep and the battery went hero to zero on me. Last it's come on even with a full charge and motor is enaged going in reverse. Long trip to my original LBS (good friend actually, he even bought one himself because mine was so pretty, but has since sold).

Pretty sure it's gotta go back to Giant, but if the answer is going to be buy a new motor, I've got lots of friends that tinker on all sorts of stuff I would just as soon let have a crack at it since it's well out of warranty.

Terry Brook

Apr 1, 2021
@Terry Brook where did this end up for you? I only ask since I have the identicle issue with my 2018 Giant Dirt E+. Was riding on a bit of steep and the battery went hero to zero on me. Last it's come on even with a full charge and motor is enaged going in reverse. Long trip to my original LBS (good friend actually, he even bought one himself because mine was so pretty, but has since sold).

Pretty sure it's gotta go back to Giant, but if the answer is going to be buy a new motor, I've got lots of friends that tinker on all sorts of stuff I would just as soon let have a crack at it since it's well out of warranty.

It ended for me' with a new motor at cost price, as i had took 5 different people in to buy bikes, so they looked after me , was just over 2 year old, Forgot total amount , was about just under £600

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