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Unanswered Rear hub and cassette kaput, warranty not convering? BS?

Jul 7, 2020
Hi folks,

My stock formula hub and SRAM NX cassette both failed in spectacular fashion recently, I have been told by bike shop that they will not be covered by warranty despite being only 7 months old.

Is this standard fair or some sort of BS? I am aware that under sale of goods act parts must be of 'reasonable quality'. One would expect that on a 4.5k bike, the hub and casette should last longer than 7 months?


E*POWAH Master
Sep 30, 2020
North Yorkshire
Consumer Rights Act 2015 takes over from SOGA on purchases after 2015.
If an item fails within 6 months from purchase it's upto the seller to prove a fault wasn't present at the time of purchase, after this it's upto you to prove it was.

How did they fail?
Is it just the freehub or the whole hub?

A cassette and freehub bearings are considered wear and tear items so it may be hard to try and say there's a manufacturing fault. I'd probably just suck it up and replace the parts myself, it's not really worth the hassle.


Active member
Jul 29, 2018
What was the failure? If the hub AND cassette failed simultaneously are there other issues at play here? A crash, rear axle loose etc?

A cassette is definitely a wear an tear item. And they wear pretty fast on an e-bike, given the torque in play.
But I'd not expect one to say, shear in half on it's own. Though it's totally possible to bend a sprocket through mechanical issues elsewhere.

WRT timeframe, 7 months could be a few hundred miles of towpath riding, or a few thousand miles of Sam Pilgrim!

Also, what bike is it? I think there's some history on here of specific hubs failing in a defined manner, and this being supported under warranty. But I can't remember which brand it was.
Jul 7, 2020
Thanks both.

You're right, I get the two statury instruments mixed up. Turns out I bought the bike in Junly last year and it was feb that they failed, so it is within the 6 month period. The issue is, the Warranty states 1 year on parts.

Bearings in the hub fell to bits, and all but one of the pawls in the XD cassette sheared off. I think the bearings initially gave way which must have then put uneven pressure on the cassette pawls- I've also read that it is common is XD cassettes for not all pawls to engage simultaenously meaning that at times the entire torque can be being transferred through 2 or even 1 set of pawls. This also coincides with me on the past few rides deciding to stand up for more climbs in an attempt to regain some leg strength which I would presume would put additional strain on these parts.

I'm aware that these parts are wear and tear items- just didnt expect them to be worn and torn to this extent within 6 months.

Bike is a 2019 Kona Remote Ctrl with a formula hub. Interestingly this hub is used on all current remote models across the range- they haven't specced up the wheelset at all it would seem.


Active member
Jul 29, 2018
Ah, so cassette is fine? Pawls are part of the freehub. This comes as part of the hub, not part of the cassette. Bad news is you'll have damage to the hubshell, so that'd be a new hub required.

Fair to be disappointed after 6M of riding. How many miles have you done? Think I'd be pissed if it was only a few hundred, accept it over a thousand and get less grumpy between those points. Ebikes are definitely tougher on a lot of bike parts, being weighty and having to deal with a lot more torque than an average bike. I reckon this does lead to scenarios you wouldn't normally see. Seized or tight bearings on a normal bike might not wreck the pawls in the same way.

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