Name your Porn Shop


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Batteries Not Included?

Ingle Nooky?

Bring back the tobacconists, they had "old shag", "Hand rubbed shag", virgin flake" All sorts of stuff. :)

A long, long time ago, in a city far, far away.......
When I was 11 and my senior school was in the big city, my mates and I were engrossed in the Surgical Appliance store. It was strategically placed next to the Windsor Baths, just up from the Gaumont Theatre and opposite the bus station. The throbbing heart of the Metropolis! Fresh from our school swimming lesson we'd stand outside the window display, clutching our damp towels and schoolbags, staring in and trying to make sense of it all. It held an awful fascination, "what on earth do you think they are for?"
It wasn't the full size models of buxom women modelling pink rubber corsets, or men's torsos wearing a variety of trusses, or even the false limbs. It was the boxed stuff at the back, with names like "Mystic Menstroids", or with pictures on them that made clear what the contents were (a large glass tube with a rubber bulb attached by a rubber tube), but not the purpose. The proprietor was tall thin and wore a white coat buttoned up to the neck. He had a menacing appearance to go with his metal rimmed glasses and used to come out and scare us away from leaving handprints and damp forehead marks on the window. We all thought that he was an escaped Nazi death camp doctor, hiding in obscurity.

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland


New Member
May 28, 2021
UK London
Haha hell, those are awesome titles, guys. They're very slutty titles, in the sense that they give a head-on indication of the content. I don't think the title should be so explicit. Otherwise, kids might start asking parents uncomfortable questions. The title should be more veiled, like lover mart. It sounds to me like the perfect name for such a shop. I love this shop for its large selection of different toys, and sometimes my wife and I spoil each other in bed. They really help diversify our sex life.
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