EXIF Photograph Information - Displaying as an overlay. Software


May 19, 2020
Voyager 1
I'm trying to find a piece software that can take the EXIF information from a image (particularly co-ordinates) and then overlay this information back on top of the orginal image visually like a date stamp. T
hen go onto save or export.

Anythoughts. My Google-Fu has not worked for a while :-(


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
There are some command line programs to do it if you want to get a bit more technical, but they're going to be a bit more fiddly to use and take a bit more time to learn.


May 19, 2020
Voyager 1
For the full NerdOn...


The commands:


Yes, it’s possible, with IrfanView!
When using “Add overlay text” to image, you can select almost any possible metadata item to be outputted onto the image! In a single image, or in a batch.
(or choose “Add watermark” in combination with the above overlay text)
The list of possible parameter is almost endless:
Available placeholders for file/image properties:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$D - file directory/folder (whole path)
$d - file directory/folder (last subfolder only)
$F - file name (with extension)
$N - file name (without extension)
$O - file extension
$S - file size
$T - file date/time (see Appendix A (scroll down) for additional examples)
$U - current system date/time (see Appendix A (scroll down) for additional examples)
$X - file directory index
$M - page index in a multipage image
$m - number of megapixels
$Z - actual zoom size (for full screen/slideshow)
$W - image width
$H - image height
$B - image bits per pixel
$p - image DPI
$R - image aspect ratio (width / height)
$Q - “correct” file extension, if possible (for files with wrong file extension)
$P - print size, from Image->Info dialog
$C - JPG/Webshots image comment, if available
$I - all IPTC data
$Ix - value of the JPG IPTC tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (IPTC PlugIn required)
$E - all EXIF data
$Ex - value of the JPG EXIF tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (EXIF PlugIn required)
| - new line
$| - add ‘|’ character
$$ - add one ‘$’ character
$# - add one ‘#’ character (otherwise is # used for numbers/counters)
[A-B] - in combination with $D, $d, $F and $N; get range/partial text from position A to B
example: $N[0-5] => get first 5 characters from the file name
Important/interesting IPTC tags/placeholders, according to IPTC specification:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$I5 - Object Name (Document Title)
$I7 - Edit Status
$I10 - Priority
$I15 - Category
$I20 - Supplemental Category
$I25 - Keywords
$I30 - Release Date (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$I35 - Release Time
$I40 - Special Instructions
$I45 - Reference Service
$I47 - Reference Date
$I50 - Reference Number
$I55 - Created Date (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$I60 - Created Time
$I65 - Originating Program
$I70 - Program Version
$I75 - Object Cycle
$I80 - Byline (Author)
$I85 - Byline Title
$I90 - City
$I92 - Sublocation
$I95 - Province State
$I100 - Country Code
$I101 - Country
$I103 - Original Transmission Reference
$I105 - Headline
$I110 - Credit
$I115 - Source
$I116 - Copyright
$I120 - Caption
$I121 - Local Caption
$I122 - Caption Writer
Important/interesting EXIF tags/placeholders (if visible in the EXIF dialog), according to EXIF specification:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E270 - ImageDescription
$E271 - Make
$E272 - Model
$E274 - Orientation
$E282 - XResolution
$E283 - YResolution
$E296 - ResolutionUnit
$E305 - Software
$E306 - DateTime (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E315 - Artist
$E318 - WhitePoint
$E531 - YCbCrPositioning
$E532 - ReferenceBlackWhite
$E33432 - Copyright
$E33434 - ExposureTime
$E33437 - FNumber
$E34850 - ExposureProgram
$E34855 - ISOSpeedRatings
$E36864 - ExifVersion
$E36867 - DateTimeOriginal (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E36868 - DateTimeDigitized (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E37121 - ComponentsConfiguration
$E37122 - CompressedBitsPerPixel
$E37377 - ShutterSpeedValue
$E37378 - ApertureValue
$E37379 - BrightnessValue
$E37380 - ExposureBiasValue
$E37381 - MaxApertureValue
$E37382 - SubjectDistance
$E37383 - MeteringMode
$E37384 - LightSource
$E37385 - Flash
$E37386 - FocalLength
$E37510 - UserComment
$E37520 - SubsecTime
$E37521 - SubsecTimeOriginal
$E37522 - SubsecTimeDigitized
$E40091 - XP Title
$E40092 - XP Comment
$E40093 - XP Author
$E40094 - XP Keywords
$E40095 - XP Subject
$E40960 - FlashPixVersion
$E40961 - ColorSpace
$E40962 - ExifImageWidth
$E40963 - ExifImageHeight
$E41483 - FlashEnergy
$E41486 - FocalPlaneXResolution
$E41487 - FocalPlaneYResolution
$E41488 - FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
$E41492 - SubjectLocation
$E41493 - ExposureIndex
$E41495 - SensingMethod
$E41728 - FileSource
$E41729 - SceneType
$E41985 - CustomRendered
$E41986 - ExposureMode
$E41987 - WhiteBalance
$E41988 - DigitalZoomRatio
$E41989 - FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
$E41990 - SceneCaptureType
$E41991 - GainControl
$E41992 - Contrast
$E41993 - Saturation
$E41994 - Sharpness
$E41995 - DeviceSettingDescription
$E41996 - SubjectDistanceRange
$E42032 - Owner Name
$E42033 - Camera Serial Number
$E42034 - Lens Info
$E42035 - Lens Make
$E42036 - Lens Model
$E42037 - Lens Serial Number
$E400 - GPSVersionID
$E401 - GPSLatitudeRef
$E402 - GPSLatitude
$E403 - GPSLongitudeRef
$E404 - GPSLongitude
$E405 - GPSAltitudeRef
$E406 - GPSAltitude
$E407 - GPSTimeStamp
$E416 - GPSImgDirectionRef
$E417 - GPSImgDirection
$E429 - GPSDateStamp
$E499 - returns GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude values in one line, OK for e.g. Google Maps for HTML-Export feature
Note: You can also use special EXIF tags from vendor specifications (Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Casio, Olympus).
Here is the list of tags for Nikon cameras (many models):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E1 - Data Version
$E2 - ISO Setting
$E3 - Color Mode
$E4 - Image Quality
$E5 - White Balance
$E6 - Image Sharpening
$E7 - Focus Mode
$E8 - Flash Setting
$E9 - Flash Mode
$E10 - Digital Zoom
$E11 - White Balance Adjustment
$E12 - White Balance RB
$E14 - Exposure Adjustment
$E15 - ISO Selection
$E18 - Flash Compensation
$E19 - ISO 2
$E29 - Serial number
$E30 - Colorspace
$E37 - ISO Expansion
$E128 - Image Adjustment
$E129 - Tone Compensation
$E130 - Auxiliary Lens
$E131 - Lens Type
$E132 - Lens
$E133 - Manual Focus Distance
$E134 - Digital Zoom
$E135 - Flash Used
$E136 - AF Focus Position
$E137 - Bracketing
$E140 - Contrast Curve
$E141 - Color Mode
$E143 - Scene Mode
$E144 - Light Type
$E146 - Hue Adjustment
$E148 - Saturation Adjustment
$E149 - Noise Reduction
$E167 - Total Pictures
$E169 - Optimization
$E171 - Vari Program
$E3585 - Editor data
$E3593 - Editor version
Here is the list of tags for Canon cameras (many models):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E1 - Macro mode
$E2 - Self timer
$E3 - Quality
$E4 - Flash mode
$E5 - Sequence mode
$E7 - Focus mode
$E10 - Image size
$E11 - Easy shooting mode
$E12 - Digital zoom
$E13 - Contrast
$E14 - Saturation
$E15 - Sharpness
$E16 - ISO Value
$E17 - Metering mode
$E18 - Focus type
$E19 - AF point selected
$E20 - Exposure mode
$E25 - Focal length
$E28 - Flash activity
$E29 - Flash details
$E32 - Focus mode 2
$E40 - White Balance
$E41 - Sequence number
$E42 - AF point used
$E43 - Flash bias
$E44 - Subject Distance
$E47 - Camera Temperature
$E60 - Image Type
$E70 - Firmware Version
$E80 - Image Number
$E90 - Owner Name
$E93 - File Number
$E120 - Camera Serial Number
Here is the list of tags for Panasonic cameras (some special tags):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E101 - Title
$E105 - Country
$E107 - Region
$E109 - City
$E111 - Landmark
$E128 - County
Appendix A
By default, all date/time placeholders deliver full text including date and time. If you want to get only specific values, you can use additional placeholder options (ANSI C function: strftime):
%Y - year, 4 numbers
%y - year, 2 numbers (00-99)
%m - month
%d - day
%H - hour
%M - minute
%S - second
%a - short weekday name
%A - full weekday name
%b - short month name
%B - full month name
Examples for file, EXIF or system date: Year: 2005, month: 11, day: 29
Placeholder Result text
$T(%d.%m.%Y) 29.11.2005
$T(%Y%m%d) 20051129
$T(%d%m%y) 291105
$E36868(%Y_%m_%d) 2005_11_29
$T(%d_%m_%Y) 29_11_2005
$T(day:%d, month:%m, year: %Y) day: 29, month: 11, year: 2005


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
For the full NerdOn...


The commands:

View attachment 31963

Yes, it’s possible, with IrfanView!
When using “Add overlay text” to image, you can select almost any possible metadata item to be outputted onto the image! In a single image, or in a batch.
(or choose “Add watermark” in combination with the above overlay text)
The list of possible parameter is almost endless:
Available placeholders for file/image properties:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$D - file directory/folder (whole path)
$d - file directory/folder (last subfolder only)
$F - file name (with extension)
$N - file name (without extension)
$O - file extension
$S - file size
$T - file date/time (see Appendix A (scroll down) for additional examples)
$U - current system date/time (see Appendix A (scroll down) for additional examples)
$X - file directory index
$M - page index in a multipage image
$m - number of megapixels
$Z - actual zoom size (for full screen/slideshow)
$W - image width
$H - image height
$B - image bits per pixel
$p - image DPI
$R - image aspect ratio (width / height)
$Q - “correct” file extension, if possible (for files with wrong file extension)
$P - print size, from Image->Info dialog
$C - JPG/Webshots image comment, if available
$I - all IPTC data
$Ix - value of the JPG IPTC tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (IPTC PlugIn required)
$E - all EXIF data
$Ex - value of the JPG EXIF tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (EXIF PlugIn required)
| - new line
$| - add ‘|’ character
$$ - add one ‘$’ character
$# - add one ‘#’ character (otherwise is # used for numbers/counters)
[A-B] - in combination with $D, $d, $F and $N; get range/partial text from position A to B
example: $N[0-5] => get first 5 characters from the file name
Important/interesting IPTC tags/placeholders, according to IPTC specification:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$I5 - Object Name (Document Title)
$I7 - Edit Status
$I10 - Priority
$I15 - Category
$I20 - Supplemental Category
$I25 - Keywords
$I30 - Release Date (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$I35 - Release Time
$I40 - Special Instructions
$I45 - Reference Service
$I47 - Reference Date
$I50 - Reference Number
$I55 - Created Date (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$I60 - Created Time
$I65 - Originating Program
$I70 - Program Version
$I75 - Object Cycle
$I80 - Byline (Author)
$I85 - Byline Title
$I90 - City
$I92 - Sublocation
$I95 - Province State
$I100 - Country Code
$I101 - Country
$I103 - Original Transmission Reference
$I105 - Headline
$I110 - Credit
$I115 - Source
$I116 - Copyright
$I120 - Caption
$I121 - Local Caption
$I122 - Caption Writer
Important/interesting EXIF tags/placeholders (if visible in the EXIF dialog), according to EXIF specification:
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E270 - ImageDescription
$E271 - Make
$E272 - Model
$E274 - Orientation
$E282 - XResolution
$E283 - YResolution
$E296 - ResolutionUnit
$E305 - Software
$E306 - DateTime (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E315 - Artist
$E318 - WhitePoint
$E531 - YCbCrPositioning
$E532 - ReferenceBlackWhite
$E33432 - Copyright
$E33434 - ExposureTime
$E33437 - FNumber
$E34850 - ExposureProgram
$E34855 - ISOSpeedRatings
$E36864 - ExifVersion
$E36867 - DateTimeOriginal (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E36868 - DateTimeDigitized (see Appendix A for additional examples)
$E37121 - ComponentsConfiguration
$E37122 - CompressedBitsPerPixel
$E37377 - ShutterSpeedValue
$E37378 - ApertureValue
$E37379 - BrightnessValue
$E37380 - ExposureBiasValue
$E37381 - MaxApertureValue
$E37382 - SubjectDistance
$E37383 - MeteringMode
$E37384 - LightSource
$E37385 - Flash
$E37386 - FocalLength
$E37510 - UserComment
$E37520 - SubsecTime
$E37521 - SubsecTimeOriginal
$E37522 - SubsecTimeDigitized
$E40091 - XP Title
$E40092 - XP Comment
$E40093 - XP Author
$E40094 - XP Keywords
$E40095 - XP Subject
$E40960 - FlashPixVersion
$E40961 - ColorSpace
$E40962 - ExifImageWidth
$E40963 - ExifImageHeight
$E41483 - FlashEnergy
$E41486 - FocalPlaneXResolution
$E41487 - FocalPlaneYResolution
$E41488 - FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
$E41492 - SubjectLocation
$E41493 - ExposureIndex
$E41495 - SensingMethod
$E41728 - FileSource
$E41729 - SceneType
$E41985 - CustomRendered
$E41986 - ExposureMode
$E41987 - WhiteBalance
$E41988 - DigitalZoomRatio
$E41989 - FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
$E41990 - SceneCaptureType
$E41991 - GainControl
$E41992 - Contrast
$E41993 - Saturation
$E41994 - Sharpness
$E41995 - DeviceSettingDescription
$E41996 - SubjectDistanceRange
$E42032 - Owner Name
$E42033 - Camera Serial Number
$E42034 - Lens Info
$E42035 - Lens Make
$E42036 - Lens Model
$E42037 - Lens Serial Number
$E400 - GPSVersionID
$E401 - GPSLatitudeRef
$E402 - GPSLatitude
$E403 - GPSLongitudeRef
$E404 - GPSLongitude
$E405 - GPSAltitudeRef
$E406 - GPSAltitude
$E407 - GPSTimeStamp
$E416 - GPSImgDirectionRef
$E417 - GPSImgDirection
$E429 - GPSDateStamp
$E499 - returns GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude values in one line, OK for e.g. Google Maps for HTML-Export feature
Note: You can also use special EXIF tags from vendor specifications (Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Casio, Olympus).
Here is the list of tags for Nikon cameras (many models):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E1 - Data Version
$E2 - ISO Setting
$E3 - Color Mode
$E4 - Image Quality
$E5 - White Balance
$E6 - Image Sharpening
$E7 - Focus Mode
$E8 - Flash Setting
$E9 - Flash Mode
$E10 - Digital Zoom
$E11 - White Balance Adjustment
$E12 - White Balance RB
$E14 - Exposure Adjustment
$E15 - ISO Selection
$E18 - Flash Compensation
$E19 - ISO 2
$E29 - Serial number
$E30 - Colorspace
$E37 - ISO Expansion
$E128 - Image Adjustment
$E129 - Tone Compensation
$E130 - Auxiliary Lens
$E131 - Lens Type
$E132 - Lens
$E133 - Manual Focus Distance
$E134 - Digital Zoom
$E135 - Flash Used
$E136 - AF Focus Position
$E137 - Bracketing
$E140 - Contrast Curve
$E141 - Color Mode
$E143 - Scene Mode
$E144 - Light Type
$E146 - Hue Adjustment
$E148 - Saturation Adjustment
$E149 - Noise Reduction
$E167 - Total Pictures
$E169 - Optimization
$E171 - Vari Program
$E3585 - Editor data
$E3593 - Editor version
Here is the list of tags for Canon cameras (many models):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E1 - Macro mode
$E2 - Self timer
$E3 - Quality
$E4 - Flash mode
$E5 - Sequence mode
$E7 - Focus mode
$E10 - Image size
$E11 - Easy shooting mode
$E12 - Digital zoom
$E13 - Contrast
$E14 - Saturation
$E15 - Sharpness
$E16 - ISO Value
$E17 - Metering mode
$E18 - Focus type
$E19 - AF point selected
$E20 - Exposure mode
$E25 - Focal length
$E28 - Flash activity
$E29 - Flash details
$E32 - Focus mode 2
$E40 - White Balance
$E41 - Sequence number
$E42 - AF point used
$E43 - Flash bias
$E44 - Subject Distance
$E47 - Camera Temperature
$E60 - Image Type
$E70 - Firmware Version
$E80 - Image Number
$E90 - Owner Name
$E93 - File Number
$E120 - Camera Serial Number
Here is the list of tags for Panasonic cameras (some special tags):
Placeholder Tag name/function
$E101 - Title
$E105 - Country
$E107 - Region
$E109 - City
$E111 - Landmark
$E128 - County
Appendix A
By default, all date/time placeholders deliver full text including date and time. If you want to get only specific values, you can use additional placeholder options (ANSI C function: strftime):
%Y - year, 4 numbers
%y - year, 2 numbers (00-99)
%m - month
%d - day
%H - hour
%M - minute
%S - second
%a - short weekday name
%A - full weekday name
%b - short month name
%B - full month name
Examples for file, EXIF or system date: Year: 2005, month: 11, day: 29
Placeholder Result text
$T(%d.%m.%Y) 29.11.2005
$T(%Y%m%d) 20051129
$T(%d%m%y) 291105
$E36868(%Y_%m_%d) 2005_11_29
$T(%d_%m_%Y) 29_11_2005
$T(day:%d, month:%m, year: %Y) day: 29, month: 11, year: 2005
Not used that for ages ! ... :)


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I can't remember why I started using it, but it was to replace picasa ! :) We're going back a long time though... It was something to do with analysing satellite photo's ... uhmmm, it's a blur ... does all sorts of things, seem to remember it wasn't 100% intuitive out of the box, but once you got into it and worked out what they were trying to do it all sort of fell into place.

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