The opinion of analog bikers is whack


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I mostly get the same vibe. It was a non ebiker who donated his tube on a ride that got me home after shredded my tyre.
I got the same donation from a non ebiker. When he found me he pulled me out of the creek, called for help, and fixed his tire tube as a sling for my arm/shoulder/clavicle. I’ve seen him several times since then and offer to return the tube. I guess it’s mine now but it’s for a 27.5”. His name is Russ.

I try to say “hello” and or “thank you” to everyone I meet or pass. Sometimes I’m ignored …but I don’t care. The dog-walkers seem to be a friendly group and are aware of others using our trails and roads. At least the dogs didn’t judge me…or try to bite me anymore.

Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
When I go running I wear some old wellies and a rucksack full of bricks because I really don't want to feel like I'm enjoying it! maybe some of these e-bike haters should also ride in wellies and wear a rucksack full of bricks to maybe prove how tough they really are, thing is nobody would bother or care!
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🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Cycling in any form for a lot of people is very much a fitness thing and not so much the love of outdoors. So no way a lot of people would ever want to try an Ebike , as you say their loss. Head down arse up you miss a lot of the world around you. Same way did you ever see a jogger smiling .


Dec 5, 2020
It's each to their own I guess. I'm seeing far more Emtbs out and about now, which I see as a good thing for us. It always takes time for a new technology to catch on.

I did feel a little conscious at first, but that's completely gone now. Just pass with a wave and a hello. And a massive smile on my face!

I do have a friend who's sole purpose of biking seems to be to punish himself and get fitter. I have no idea why you'd do that. Enjoy yourself, and if you get other benefits, what a bonus!
He’s wrong. Analog MTB is not good for overall conditioning. The constant up and down with heart rate is not good in the long run. Euro studies have shown, riding EMTB is better for overall fitness as heart rate can be governed more effectively. Real fitness comes with targeted conditioning


E*POWAH Master
Jul 11, 2022
Mesa, AZ
He’s wrong. Analog MTB is not good for overall conditioning. The constant up and down with heart rate is not good in the long run. Euro studies have shown, riding EMTB is better for overall fitness as heart rate can be governed more effectively. Real fitness comes with targeted conditioning

Agree with this statement. On my full pedal MTB, when I am on a long sustained climb, then hit a steep, tech section while on the climb, my heart feels like it is bouncing out of my chest at times, followed by some vomiting if it gets too high. This can’t be healthy. On the EMTB, I have full control of my heart rate. This allows me to do long rides without ever needing to stop to rest or bring my heart rate down. Way more fun, makes for a faster ride, longer than ride without any stops and better for my health. Anti-EMTB folks are simply ignorant. I get just as much, or more of a workout on the EMTB.


Nov 29, 2021
yea I went to work so I could buy a decent bike..
now fuck off paupers!
That's a real ignorant comment. Like no analogue bike is a decent bike.
My Evil analogue bike is worth 12k and my orbea rise cost me 7k.
In a thread that is discusing the division between ebike riders and analogue riders, it seems that there's as much hate going the other way.


Apr 20, 2019
I don’t get any comments now. When I first got my Specialized Enduro 2014 MTB a 60 year old work colleague said ‘oh you got one of them Zebidee bikes. I could never get on with them and went back to a proper Moutain Bike (eg solid frame and forks).’ Times have been changing ever since.


Nov 29, 2021
It's each to their own I guess. I'm seeing far more Emtbs out and about now, which I see as a good thing for us. It always takes time for a new technology to catch on.

I did feel a little conscious at first, but that's completely gone now. Just pass with a wave and a hello. And a massive smile on my face!

I do have a friend who's sole purpose of biking seems to be to punish himself and get fitter. I have no idea why you'd do that. Enjoy yourself, and if you get other benefits, what a bonus!
There seems to be a notion that everyone's idea of 'enjoyment' should be the same. If your mate gets satisfaction from pushing himself physically then wheres the problem?
I think this is the fundamental issue that causes most of the division that exists between ebikers and analogue bikers. We should all accept that we're all free to follow our own path.


🌹Old Bloke 🎸
Sep 19, 2019
Llandovery, Wales
That's a real ignorant comment. Like no analogue bike is a decent bike.
My Evil analogue bike is worth 12k and my orbea rise cost me 7k.
In a thread that is discusing the division between ebike riders and analogue riders, it seems that there's as much hate going the other way.
its called a joke.. we enjoy them occasionally here in the UK..
strange how everyone else seems to have 'got it'


Active member
Mar 4, 2022
Washington State, USA
I especially like the ones who have never ridden an ebike seem to know next to nothing about them have the strongest and loudest opinions against them.

Yeah, it's mostly jealously but they will get it one day.

It's the same with electric cars. The ones who know the least, hate the most. And it's hard to blame them when they are getting screwed paying $4/gallon at the pump all the while there are not enough good EV's to go around so prices have risen out of reach for most people. So I understand their jealousy and anger.

The most ignorant anti-EV arrogant people say things like:

Oh, yeah, good luck trying to take a road trip in that. I don't want to wait an hour for it to charge.
I hope it doesn't catch on fire!
Yeah, I get the no gas thing, but what do you do when you run the battery flat?

For those who have never lived with a fully electric, battery electric long-range car, yeah, the things people worry about just seem asinine. For example, statistics show that gasoline cars catch on fire at a rate 10 times higher than BEV's per million miles travelled. And my longest charging stop was 25 minutes (and only because there were no Superchargers yet in Flathead Valley, Montana). My typical road trip charging stop is 12-15 minutes which is barely enough time to pee and maybe get a cold drink or something to snack on while driving. And, of course you don't want to run the battery flat any more than you want to run out of gas (and it's even easier to track exactly how far you can go in an EV because they have more detailed digital tools and the car knows where all the chargers are and whether or not to stop at one.).

But it might help non-EV owners to know that even EV drivers were ignorant at some point before they "got it". For example, my wife and I kept our Volvo sitting out by the curb in case we wanted to take a road trip. But it just sat there when we discovered road trips were even better in an EV. Nobody wanted to drive it. Ever. Nobody wanted to take it in for an oil change (or pay for it). I would guilt trip my wife into using it occasionally so the battery wouldn't go flat but she would never put gas in the tank. It became a complete liability even though it ran perfectly. So, we sold our last gas car four years ago and it's quite a relief.

My younger brother is a die-hard analogue mountain biker, but he is slowly becoming eMTB curious. He knows and respects a lot of old-school MTB'ers who built the MTB trails in the area so when he sees them getting eMTBs, then he starts to think it just might be a good thing. He talks to them in the cafe and was surprised how many of them have already warmed up to the idea. Now, just like buying a long range EV, it's just a matter of saving up enough money to make it work. He already wants an EV but has decided to save money by driving his gasoline and diesel cars into the ground before getting a new EV. The depreciation on gasoline and diesel cars bought new in 2023-2026 is going to be steeper than most new car buyers can stomach.

Haters are gonna hate, until they adopt and love! So have patience!

Turbo Mike

Jun 29, 2021
Phoenix, Arizona
Sitting today mid ride and sat with a hot cup of tea, two older guys on those old fashioned bikes, (who were 'mountain biking' on the road next to the trails on immaculate machines) mocked me with 'have you have earnt that' laughing between themselves. I replied I 'sure have! Second ride this weekend and it's a great workout riding technical trails on a 25KG bike. They are great fun- you should get one!'

The guys remarked 'nah I'll get one when I'm old'. I replied 'well thats a shame as by then you won't be able to really enjoy what bikes can offer. My advice to to get one now and start having fun now'.

They rolled off laughing with each other at such a suggestion. I finished my cuppa and then dropped into a seriously rocky and technical trails that was now slippery as all hell with the skies opening up. My grin was massive and a chuckled to myself at how much those guys are missing out due to ego and ignorance.

I now ride triple the distance and twice (if not more) faster than I ever have before. I'm hitting technical stuff like a lunatic and loving every second of it. Come Summer I'll be deeper int the mountains here too than ever before and exploring past previous limits. Wild camping too.

Come people just don't get it I know. But what a shame! I started MTBing in the 90's to challenge myself, keep fit, explore, and get buzzy. Ebikes nail all of that for me now more than ever! My advice is to start ASAP regardless of age! The whole experience is just WOW! right!?!?

I get the same whining. "I'll get one when I'm old". It takes a great deal of skill and stamina to ride more technical trails, longer distances at faster speeds. I recently bought an analog bike and guess what, I can still keep up with my other analog buddies fairly closely. But a typical ride may be 8 miles instead of 12+ miles. People are missing out because of their ego's. I do like to mix up the riding, but the discourtesy is unwarranted, IMO. That's ok, there will be less of them on those deeper trails :?)


Jul 5, 2022
N. Ireland
That's a real ignorant comment. Like no analogue bike is a decent bike.
My Evil analogue bike is worth 12k and my orbea rise cost me 7k.
In a thread that is discusing the division between ebike riders and analogue riders, it seems that there's as much hate going the other way.

Would be really interested as to why you say the analogue bike is 'worth' and the eMTB 'cost'.

I struggle to see how even my 2nd hand Cannondale Moterra 3 is worth what it cost.

It is an amazing piece of machinery but now costs over £1k more than it did when new. I still feel a little guilty about the purchase but it eases each time I use it.

Reminds me a little of;
Some people know the price/cost of everything but the value of nothing.


New Member
Mar 30, 2022
I admit, I was a non-believer.
Been MTBing since late 80s. Would spent up to 3 hours grinding up hill for 20 minutes of downhill. I believed you had to work for your payoff. Man... WTF was I thinking..?

I thought the increasing number of ebikes I was seeing was indicative of a lazy populous. Then a kitesurfing buddy bought one with a bike trailer and bypassed bumper to bumper traffic jams to take his kite surf gear to our favorite launch spot and I immediately bought one for the same reason. After the first ride I was curious how it would be on single track (it is full suspension). It was fun!

Long story short; I will never ride an analog bike again. The flat, tight windy single track trails of Florida now offer all the fun of those 20 minute downhill, flowy rides without being gassed when I start the fun part and 2 full hours of it!

Every day I can ride the trails I'm up at 4:00 am (before it gets hot) and stoked! I generally ride 18 miles, which I wouldn't do on analog but can't get enough of on emtb. Most often gassed when done too. Man... I was stupid to think poorly of ebikes. Best thing to happen to mtb!


Sep 23, 2020
Ive never had any bad comments. Had a few normal bikers ignore me, likely because of the ebike, but thats it.
From the amount of hate ive read online for ebikes,i was surprised the first time i visited Innerleithen a few months ago to see the amount of ebikes there. Fairly high proportion of people i noticed were on them.

I did have one guy comment a few weeks ago at Torridon, jokingly though, when i mentioned the route i had taken so far, about it not being so bad as im on an ebike.
There was a few quite steep/rocky climbs there that arent rideable.An ebike is very much not an advantage for that! For those wondering if you get less of a workout with an ebike, you need to add more hike a bike sections.


Aug 23, 2022
Ive never had any bad comments. Had a few normal bikers ignore me, likely because of the ebike, but thats it.
From the amount of hate ive read online for ebikes,i was surprised the first time i visited Innerleithen a few months ago to see the amount of ebikes there. Fairly high proportion of people i noticed were on them.

I did have one guy comment a few weeks ago at Torridon, jokingly though, when i mentioned the route i had taken so far, about it not being so bad as im on an ebike.
There was a few quite steep/rocky climbs there that arent rideable.An ebike is very much not an advantage for that! For those wondering if you get less of a workout with an ebike, you need to add more hike a bike sections.
I'm glad there is a forum where people can express their love or hate for e-bikes vs. pedal bikes. Here's my story. I'm 64, I like to ride at least 5 days a week and now own 2 MTB bikes for the 1st time.
I purchased an e-bike as what I call my Medicare supplement for my 65th birthday next month. I ride 3 or 4 days on my pedal bike and then 1 day or rest day on my e-bike. For obvious reasons I don't understand the us vs. them controversy. I do think there are inconsiderate riders on pedal bikes and bikes with a motor and a battery. All of us should be sharing the right of way and speed rules with inconsiderate riders. We have been working so hard for trail advocacy and access for MTB's over the last 40+ years do we need to fight amongst ourselves? It seems like an incredible waist of time and energy. There are plenty of groups that want to stop all MTB access on US Trails, dividing us into subgroups of pedal vs. ebike just helps those groups limit our access further. There's still plenty of work to do to get the general public to accept MTB on trails let's not go ten steps backward fighting amongst ourselves. Being respectful riders, politely giving right of way to other users and announcing we're coming can make a lasting impression of how inclusive and considerate the majority of MTBers are. We're all in this together trying to have fun.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I'm in the local MTB club. All our trails are open to eMTB. I do some trail workdays, and I always bring the eMTB to workdays. Most are cool, and there are a couple haters. The haters I think are like that in every aspect of their lives. Must be an exhausting way to be.
Aye some folks always looking for something to grump about . Seen a lad moaning at a sheep big style because it had came out of its field


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
If you wear the kilt you can creep up ahin him
( or her ) and they dinna hear you pullin doon your spaver .
Good tips. I take it kilts are always made from wool rather than man made materials to avoid any static build up for this very reason. The last thing you would want is your moment of joy to commence with your todger grounding out through a sheeps (insert as your local dialect requires) .


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
If you wear the kilt you can creep up ahin him
( or her ) and they dinna hear you pullin doon your spaver .
Good tips. I take it kilts are always made from wool rather than man made materials to avoid any static build up for this very reason. The last thing you would want is your moment of joy to commence with your todger grounding out through a sheeps (insert as your local dialect requires) .
Ayeakenfityimeenlike cheers. If yi scrapit it oor the stains it cwid be sair .San inaneath the foreskin the Boaby disna like it aither.

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