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Answered Chain link


Jun 3, 2019
Random question, been asked by a neighbour to try to fix up a freebie bike they got for their daughter. The chain was off when they handed the bike over.

It’s an old Carrera Kraken, and the chain has a master link type connection with a pin in it that just won’t go past the derailleur. See photo.

The bike also has no front mech or shifter, so I’m a little concerned about the chain jumping, is it safe just to leave the chain on the big ring?




Jun 3, 2019
To be fair I’m impressed the bike works, apparently it’s been outside doing nothing for some time but it’s cleaned up nicely, cleared up most of the rust and gotten most bits running quite smoothly.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
An old rust bucket that I assume is set up as a single speed for their daughter. I concede that almost any bike is better than no bike, but what a way to put off a kid to the joys of biking. I am being judgemental, I know (and I'm a bit embarrassed about that), but do they understand what they are doing?


Jun 3, 2019
An old rust bucket that I assume is set up as a single speed for their daughter. I concede that almost any bike is better than no bike, but what a way to put off a kid to the joys of biking. I am being judgemental, I know (and I'm a bit embarrassed about that), but do they understand what they are doing?

Good question, I think (mixed messages) that it’s a stop gap until birthday / Christmas, as she’s outgrown her old bike. Personally I’d buy a decent bike at the appropriate size, but different priorities I guess.

It’s not unrideable, rear derailleur seems to work reasonably well with my experimenting using the crapped out chain (less than one rotation due to the pin). New 9 speed chain from Wiggle for £15 and it’s a rideable bike, so we’ll see.

Only concern I have is whether the chain will jump due to lack of front mech, if I put a guard on the big ring (probably leave it on the big ring anyway) that should prevent some risk.

Obviously there’s a budget factor, and I’ll most likely test ride it before handing it over to see that it’s safe lol.

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