Besst, Besst Pro,Go,Go +, K1 Flash, BlackBox 3 (Bafang)


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France

So "Go" works with bluetooth 5.0 devices. "Go +" needs Bluetooth 5.1.

Go + Doesn't seem to have any ratings yet, but lets you use a Sigma heart rate monitor with the app and does let you change lots of parameters on the motor if you Select the personalized ride MENU, Support Level Settings MENU.

Then you are able to change Level Settings for ECO, TRAIL, SPORT, SPORT+, BOOST (Though it just has 1-5)

Level Settings available:
Acceleration Feature
Max. Output Power
Current Speed Limit
Startup Angle

Startup angle and acceleration apply to all the modes.

To make matters slightly more confusing, the DP C245 comes in different versions :

Version 2.0 - QR code on the tag PD051405 and says 2.0 on the back, supports Bluetooth 5.0 so only "Go".

Version 3.0 - QR code on the tag PD051505 and says 3.0 on the back, supports Bluetooth 5.1, GO and GO+ (on mine it doesn't work with Go)

Version 3.0 units only seem have just begun shipping now - August 2023.

You can also add the IOT box instead for GO+ which also lets you track your bike and various other things.
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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
K1 Flash seems to let you set parameters and a speed limit and flash new firmwares. Also lets you run the motor calibration. Not intended to be permanently connected to the bike and you edit a text file on the SD card with the parameters you want to set. You also upload the firmware you want to flash into a specific directory on the SD card. Pretty simple and straightforward to use.

K1 Blackbox 3 can be permanently or temporarily connected to the bike. Primarily for editing parameters by connecting it to your phone and using a terminal app and entering simple commands. Cannot Flash firmware. Can also set two speed limits a high and a low and change between them if the box is permanently installed. Presumably, if you have it permanently installed and you want to change parameters, you'd need to access the box to plug a phone in. Though I guess you'd get the motor performing how you want before you permanently install it.

More info in here :

You don't need a Besst logon to use the K1 boxes so that's an advantage. But if you do have a logon, then Besst Pro maybe gives you more options ?
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New Member
Aug 18, 2023
This is really helpful. It's great to have all of these options laid out. I'm also new to all of this and need to change the speed limit on my motor.

The besst tool seems to be the best option for me since I need to import it to Brazil and Aliexpress makes that really easy. But I'm still confused about it.

Are Besst and Besst Pro just different software for the same tool? Yes. I only found one version of the tool.
Will I be able to use both? Depends on your login.
How do I know if it is going to be compatible with my bike? BESST is compatible with all Bafang M series with CAN protocol.

The login is usually provided by the tool's seller, but some people reported not having the login or not getting full access to the features with the provided credentials. So there's a Python script that gets around that. Here's what I did to get it working:

Python script tutorial​

  • Install python3. Python website.
  • Open the script's Github page.
  • Open the dist folder and download the BESST installer. Install it. This should work for both BESST and BESST Pro.
  • Edit your system hostfile (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).
    • Open notepad as administrator. (Right click > Open as Administrator).
    • File > Open
    • Select "All Files" on the dropdown on the bottom right corner.
    • Select C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
    • After opening the file, add the following text to the bottom of the file:
    • Save it.
  • Download and run it.
  • With the script running, open BESST and insert any credentials. It should login successfully.

There is also another option @Zimmerframe didn't mention on his post. This programming line:
It can change your wheel diameter and speed limit, but only to it's 5 preset settings. Make sure to check them out.

Edit: I looked around in the forum and got some answers. Also adding some info about the Python script and another option for someone else looking to remove the speed limit on bafang motors.
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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I have the DPC245 v2 on my bike. This is Bluetooth 5.0. V3 has the 5.1.

I tried it with GO+. It connects, but when you try to use it, it says not compatible.

Tried it with GO. I'm guessing this has been re-worked lately as it didn't look too bad. Connection was easy and straight forwards and there are even pages to enable firmware updates over the air and locally (from a file).

It might be that the page doesn't actually do anything though :)


Battery information was correct and updating as the bike was charging. The bafang charging cycles doesn't show actual 100% charge cycles - it just shows how many times the battery has been connected to a charger.


Front page :

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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Finally tried the DP C245 V3 on my Vitus with the M510.

The V3 has Bluetooth 5.1 - which apparently Go+ requires to work with it, previously with the V2 it connected but said it wouldn't work.

The V3 doesn't appear to work with "Go" !!!

At the moment, Go+ doesn't really seem to offer what you'd expect with the M510 V2.0 There's less information (sensor readings) and the configuration options are more limited than I expected. You can change acceleration, startup angle and % of power available in each mode - though within pre-determined limits for each mode.

There is a navigation option though (but it just sends you to google maps).

Other than that, it's pretty pointless. Go offers a lot more information for fault finding at this point and it Go+ didn't appear to search for firmware updates, only show what was installed. Where as GO at least says "No updates available". It certainly doesn't feel like it could be used as an alternative for Besst.
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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
In terms of real world advantages and disadvantages of the K1 Flash and K1 Blackbox over Besst, 6 weeks later we don't really know much more. I'd hoped Dado, the developer, would have added lots of useful information. I'm not sure if anyone else has them/has used them and can give anymore ?

I've managed to play with Go+/DPC 245 V3 a bit more.

One strange thing which I've not worked out yet is that "Go" won't connect to the V3 display, not sure if this is an anomaly just for me/my phone or if the V3 will only connect to Go+.

To refresh quickly with "Go" as a comparison :


The basic heads up display is clear and simple and gives you various bits of relevant information, including Amps, which you don't get on the DPC245. It also shows which assistance mode you're in (1-5) and you can turn the lights on and off/change the display brightness manually.

Theoretically you can also match in heart rate monitoring, but I'm not sure which ones its compatible with.
There's various screens which let you see the battery in detail and other things like drive data - where you can see the live torque signal reading, amps and voltage. The PASnum doesn't appear to show which mode you're in, but how many you have available. You can select upto 9 or limit it - maybe if you were lending the bike out you could limit it to only three modes so boost and race aren't available (on a vitus).

It has two firmware upgrade screens, one for Over the air and one from a local file.

The one thing you can't do is adjust the power settings for the modes, the acceleration or the startup angle.

There's also no bike lock option to lock the motor out.

Onto Go+ !

With "Go", you have to manually press the bluetooth button each time you run the app to connect. With Go+, once you connected once, it automatically connects each time.


On the home screen you have the basics about the bike, can turn the lights on and off, change the support mode and also lock the bike. Go's pretty buggy and has lots of spelling errors and functions like "unlock" and "lock" are the wrong way round.

On the navigation/riding screen you have a live map, range, battery, mode. The light option isn't a switch so you can't turn the lights on and off there, you'd have to goto the home page. From the riding screen you can also switch to the speedo display. There isn't any extra information like power/amps like you have in Go.

If you select a destination for navigation, it just runs up google maps instead.

The third section is "Settings" . Where, like "GO", you can change the display timeout, kmh/mph and find out your firmware numbers. There isn't any extra sensor information like "torque sensor" like you have in Go.

Firmware update only seems to show what firmware you have. Possibly this would be different if newer firmware was available, but for me, there isn't so I don't know.

You can also change the picture of your bike, but for some reason it does a really pixelated version so you can't really use it.

If you click on "Set the personalised Ride", you can change some of the performance parameters for each mode - within certain limitations. Output power has set limits for each mode for example.

There is also a little "disk" icon, where you can save your configurations and have several for different ride profiles.

For some reason, this section didn't work too well for me. When I ran it up, it reset everything on the bike to zero so I had no assistance (walk mode still worked and when connecting the V2 display and GO, the torque sensor still worked, so all seemed good) I'm still working my way through trying to set things back how they were before (Using Go+ as I don't have Besst), though it feels/seems/appears from watching the watts, that it's configured settings which you can't adjust with the app to some bafang defaults. So unless you have a copy of your original firmware to flash back if things get screwed up, I'd advise using the app with caution.

"Acceleration" doesn't really work as you'd expect if you're used to a Spesh setup. Rather than determining the speed that the motor accelerates upto full power, it seems to just work as a delay. Set it to 1 for example and you get about 5-10% assistance for 5 crank rotations, then the power finally comes in as normal.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2023
So I have been playing around with GO+ on the M820 motor. One thing that seems odd is the update function. It keeps reminding me to update to new firmware, but the suggested firmware is 36V and I am using 48V. Maybe this is not really ready yet..


Oct 11, 2021
In terms of real world advantages and disadvantages of the K1 Flash and K1 Blackbox over Besst, 6 weeks later we don't really know much more. I'd hoped Dado, the developer, would have added lots of useful information. I'm not sure if anyone else has them/has used them and can give anymore ?

I've managed to play with Go+/DPC 245 V3 a bit more.

One strange thing which I've not worked out yet is that "Go" won't connect to the V3 display, not sure if this is an anomaly just for me/my phone or if the V3 will only connect to Go+.

To refresh quickly with "Go" as a comparison :

The basic heads up display is clear and simple and gives you various bits of relevant information, including Amps, which you don't get on the DPC245. It also shows which assistance mode you're in (1-5) and you can turn the lights on and off/change the display brightness manually.

Theoretically you can also match in heart rate monitoring, but I'm not sure which ones its compatible with.
There's various screens which let you see the battery in detail and other things like drive data - where you can see the live torque signal reading, amps and voltage. The PASnum doesn't appear to show which mode you're in, but how many you have available. You can select upto 9 or limit it - maybe if you were lending the bike out you could limit it to only three modes so boost and race aren't available (on a vitus).

It has two firmware upgrade screens, one for Over the air and one from a local file.

The one thing you can't do is adjust the power settings for the modes, the acceleration or the startup angle.

There's also no bike lock option to lock the motor out.

Onto Go+ !

With "Go", you have to manually press the bluetooth button each time you run the app to connect. With Go+, once you connected once, it automatically connects each time.

On the home screen you have the basics about the bike, can turn the lights on and off, change the support mode and also lock the bike. Go's pretty buggy and has lots of spelling errors and functions like "unlock" and "lock" are the wrong way round.

On the navigation/riding screen you have a live map, range, battery, mode. The light option isn't a switch so you can't turn the lights on and off there, you'd have to goto the home page. From the riding screen you can also switch to the speedo display. There isn't any extra information like power/amps like you have in Go.

If you select a destination for navigation, it just runs up google maps instead.

The third section is "Settings" . Where, like "GO", you can change the display timeout, kmh/mph and find out your firmware numbers. There isn't any extra sensor information like "torque sensor" like you have in Go.

Firmware update only seems to show what firmware you have. Possibly this would be different if newer firmware was available, but for me, there isn't so I don't know.

You can also change the picture of your bike, but for some reason it does a really pixelated version so you can't really use it.

If you click on "Set the personalised Ride", you can change some of the performance parameters for each mode - within certain limitations. Output power has set limits for each mode for example.

There is also a little "disk" icon, where you can save your configurations and have several for different ride profiles.

For some reason, this section didn't work too well for me. When I ran it up, it reset everything on the bike to zero so I had no assistance (walk mode still worked and when connecting the V2 display and GO, the torque sensor still worked, so all seemed good) I'm still working my way through trying to set things back how they were before (Using Go+ as I don't have Besst), though it feels/seems/appears from watching the watts, that it's configured settings which you can't adjust with the app to some bafang defaults. So unless you have a copy of your original firmware to flash back if things get screwed up, I'd advise using the app with caution.

"Acceleration" doesn't really work as you'd expect if you're used to a Spesh setup. Rather than determining the speed that the motor accelerates upto full power, it seems to just work as a delay. Set it to 1 for example and you get about 5-10% assistance for 5 crank rotations, then the power finally comes in as normal.
Zimmerframe, can you customise the levels through the app? When I click "set the personalised ride" the app gives an error. Where do you set the levels?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Zimmerframe, can you customise the levels through the app? When I click "set the personalised ride" the app gives an error. Where do you set the levels?
It seems to error if you're using Android 13 or 14 for some reason, I've not found anyway round it with any sort of comparability mode.


Apr 12, 2022
Hi, I would like to use Besst pro tu update my firmware and the update doesn't work. I decided to install python and follow the process below

Python script tutorial​

  • Install python3. Python website.
  • Open the script's Github page.
  • Open the dist folder and download the BESST installer. Install it. This should work for both BESST and BESST Pro.
  • Edit your system hostfile (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).
    • Open notepad as administrator. (Right click > Open as Administrator).
    • File > Open
    • Select "All Files" on the dropdown on the bottom right corner.
    • Select C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
    • After opening the file, add the following text to the bottom of the file:
    • Save it.
  • Download and run it.
  • With the script running, open BESST and insert any credentials. It should login successfully.

it doesn't work too, I don't have access to change parameter or to update firmware.
on my mail box I receive this


what do you think about this?

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