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  1. Spanner Monkey

    Bosch CX Gen 4 Mileage/Reliability

    Im guessing it must be just the cover as the motor is warranty sealed so even the bike shops don’t open them up, they just replace the whole unit if it ever fails. They only get repaired once the warranty has expired currently no one repairs gen 4 as they are all too new to be out of warranty.
  2. Spanner Monkey

    Bosch CX Gen 4 Mileage/Reliability

    Was this done under warranty? I take off my bash guard every 5/6 rides in the winter and it’s always full of mud/crap. Well worth doing for the few minutes it takes.
  3. Spanner Monkey

    Bosch CX Gen 4 Mileage/Reliability

    Is that a gen 4 ?
  4. Spanner Monkey

    My Chinese frame and motor build. The CHEEB, V1.0 - Build Thread

    I contacted Tosa about this but the said they cannot supply an M500 bike for a couple of months. Only the M600 at present.
  5. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    Yeah that is bizarre, the frame above the spec sheet is definitely a different rear suspension setup to the bike pictured. so I wonder what you get if you order one given they only have one model on offer so far.
  6. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    They appear to be a brand new small company that have just started selling bikes going by their Facebook page. the frame looks the same as the CHEEB frame I think. looks like a lot of bike for little money.
  7. Spanner Monkey

    Deng Fu M600 Carbon Ebike

    Fab looking bike, looking forward to seeing some long term tests from these Bafang powered bikes. was the ordering process difficult? I have emailed Dengfu but not had any reply so far.
  8. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    Are spares available for this frame, Im talking about things like the pivot bolts and more importantly the mech hanger unless it uses a generic widely available one. I think if I were to order a frame I would also order a spare of each plus a couple of mech hangers. Small cheap items but also...
  9. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    It was a voltage compatibility issue I was checking, Im a licensed aircraft engineer by trade so yes I can change a plug thanks for your concern ?
  10. Spanner Monkey

    Speedbox (Or similar)

    I've covered over 1000 miles on my stereo 160 2020 with my Volspeed fitted, no issues whatsoever I also set the speed limit pretty high and very rarely give it any countdown time. Its very easy to install and Id definitely recommend it. I installed it with dielectric grease on all the...
  11. Spanner Monkey

    Bosch CX Gen 4 Mileage/Reliability

    Hi All Im interested to find out what sort of mileage people have racked up on gen 4 motors and what if any issues they have encountered along the way. Ill start then, I have covered 1100 miles so far in all sorts of mud and rain mostly off-road. I have had a 510 code at around 500 miles which...
  12. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    Do you know the charging rate in amps? Im assuming it comes with a uk plug.
  13. Spanner Monkey

    Dengfu E10 - The CHEEB V1.0 - Discussion

    Im following this with great interest, kudos to you for taking on this project and showing what can be achieved with a little research and ingenuity. Cant wait to see the ride review, and Im hoping to see a lot more about this build very soon. One question though Rob, You don't seem to mention a...
  14. Spanner Monkey

    Bosch motor Badge disappeared :-(

    the original is held on with double sided foam tape, luckily mine came loose when washing the bike so I took it off cleaned it thoroughly and glued it back on with an automotive urethane glue, its going nowhere now. maybe someone should start printing some replacements with a 3d printer for all...
  15. Spanner Monkey

    Magura Brakes

    I always buy hard sintered pads in the winter, you can destroy a set of pads in as little as 60 miles riding in mud, in the summer the same pads but softer fibre compound are lasting 400-600 miles, if you ride in mud check your pads every ride as I have had a set that pulled themselves through...
  16. Spanner Monkey

    Cube carbon frame issues

    Wow thats the first picture ive seen of a total failure of the frame, that must have been defective at manufacture to have failed so spectacularly. I hope Cube gets this all sorted under warranty, Id be furious if that was my bike. thanks for sharing the photos and keep us posted on the...
  17. Spanner Monkey

    Cube carbon frame issues

    Can you post some pictures of your friends bikes so we can see the issues you're talking about, Im especially interested to see the pictures of the "almost ripped off headstock" are they all looking at warranty frame repair/ replacement?
  18. Spanner Monkey

    Cap that covers the charging port on the bike

    Just copied and pasted from another forum, not sure who posted it originally
  19. Spanner Monkey

    boost chainrings? Stereo hybrid 160 2020

    Thankyou, Ill get some on order.
  20. Spanner Monkey

    Cube carbon frame issues

    Mines just approaching 1000 miles ridden hard and jumped/crashed regularly, mostly off road no problems to report, solid bike.