Shimano 2nd Generation Batteries


Active member
Feb 27, 2019
Recently Shimano has announced new 2nd Generation batteries for their EP801 motor, and it was raised the question whether they are compatible with older E8000 motor. So I searched the Shimano documents and these are my findings:

This is the summary of the current line of batteries, including the new ones:

The compatibility document is 2022-2023_Compatibility_v038_en.pdf:
This document shows the battery compatibility in page C-511:
  • Newer Batteries require new Battery Mount (for example, the new 630W external battery BT-EN604, requires new battery mount BM-EN600)
  • Newer Batteries are ONLY compatible with newest motors DU-EP801 and DU-EP600,they are not compatible with older motors like DU-EP800 and of course, DU-E8000

2023 E-BIKE PRODUCT CATALOGUE Document (SM-2023_E-BIKE_CAT-000-ENG-GB.pdf) has very interesting information:
  • Page 13 shows the Battery Life information and it states: " After 1,000 charges Holds at least 60% of initial capacity". It has to be noted that it does not states the " 80% charge after 500 cycles" that is included in older documents.
  • Page 91 shows the specifications of the new 2nd Generation Batteries
  • Page 95 shows the specifications of older 1st Generation Batteries

So summarizing:
  • Newer 2nd Generation Batteries require new mount and are intended for the latest motors DU-EP801 and DU-EP600, and are not compatible with older motors.
  • Shimano has removed in its documentation the statement where they warrant their batteries to hold 80% after 500 cycles, probably because it has caused too many warranty claims and has costed them too much money..

Gen 2 Batt Compatibility.jpg Page 91 2nd Gen Batt Specs 1.jpg Page 91 2nd Gen Batt Specs 2.jpg Page 95 1st Gen Batt Specs 1.jpg Page 95 1st Gen Batt Specs 2.jpg Page13 Battery Life.jpg
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Dec 3, 2019
So another reason to ditch shimano, no backwards compatibility. They obviously know their 1st gen bt-8035 has issues but they continue to ignore it.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
Does anyone know how much longer Shimano will sell Gen 1 batteries >>> BT-E8010 and BT-E8016 ?

My three BT-E8010s with 107 charges each, 3 years / 33,000 km
now only allow 46 to 53 km with Eco High in the flat valley along the River Rhine.

I ask me if I should still quickly buy new batteries which are just as bad...
and this just after a few weeks of use and zero warranty service from Shimano.
The 60% after 1000 cycles is bullshit pure.

( My Husqvarna GT2 is so good as travelbicycle, but not compatible with Gen2.
Anyway, my next will be a Riese & Müller Super Charger 750 Wh Dual with Bosch )

till Fårö.jpg
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Jan 12, 2023
Does anyone know if the battery mounts for the new battery will fit on an older frame? I have a bike with E8035/E8000 but given the motor is broken and the batteries failing, I'm wondering if I can swap the system out for the newer motor and battery in due course?


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Does anyone know if the battery mounts for the new battery will fit on an older frame? I have a bike with E8035/E8000 but given the motor is broken and the batteries failing, I'm wondering if I can swap the system out for the newer motor and battery in due course?
I don't know about the mounts, but I'm pretty sure that the cabling is different e8000 vs EP8. It can be done though, there are conversion kits you can buy; I saw a reference to it on this Forum.


Jan 12, 2023
I don't know about the mounts, but I'm pretty sure that the cabling is different e8000 vs EP8. It can be done though, there are conversion kits you can buy; I saw a reference to it on this Forum.
Cabling on the e8000 can be changed or converted to what the EP800 needs and I'm guessing the same cabling works on the EP801. That bit is easier, it is the frame mounts that would make or break things for this new generation.

Cristian Leandro

New Member
May 17, 2024
Hello there, I bought by mistake a 2nd generation batteri e806 630 wh, for my GT Eforce, w/ ep800, the mount is the same, the new battery fit prefect, the computer starts, but then turn off, it doesn t read the battery.

Does any one knows if there is a way to make it works 2nd gen with ep 800? By software or any hack?


Active member
Sep 11, 2019
French Provence High Alps
Does anyone know if the battery mounts for the new battery will fit on an older frame? I have a bike with E8035/E8000 but given the motor is broken and the batteries failing, I'm wondering if I can swap the system out for the newer motor and battery in due course?
did you got answer ?

from the shimano documentation it seems that the battery mount attachement bolt are the same

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