Hi there - i recently purchased a new Santa Cruz Heckler SL with the Fazua Ride 60 motor. On recent rides, the FAZUA motor randomly loses power on me when riding, then comes back on. It totally died on a ride last week, then worked fine when i got it home in my driveway. This past weekend it died momentarily during a ride, then it came back. On last night's rode it died, came back, died, came back and then had intermittent on/off power on the way back to my truck. When this does happen, the battery lights are functioning fine on the frame. i took it back to my LBS after the first this first happened. They ran some diagnostics and said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. I plan to take it back today, but thinking it might be a lose wire or something? Maybe they install a new ring controller to see if that fixes it? Super frustrating, as i absolutely love this bike.