I'd like everyone (not just here) to watch this


E*POWAH Master
Jan 11, 2020
Fife, Scotland
I'll admit right now to not watching that video Gary (but will later), but will also admit to being scared as f*ck when i went shopping 2 days ago with my other half. First of all, the guy sorting out the queue to go into the store tried to separate us (just doing his job, and he was very nice) - didn't bother me at the time but my girl said later that she felt like we were being separated and herded into the likes of Auschwitz for example. She's sensitive and I got what she meant later on - it wasn't what the shop employee was trying to do, but her general feeling of having no control or input.

But the worst thing was in the store, i'd say almost 80% of the folk in there didn't give a feck about keeping 2m away from anyone else. Most people were wandering round the isles with no shopping list or anything else to help them on their way. There was no pasta, no eggs, no wine, not a lot of spirits left, but plenty of beer, bread, vegetables etc.

But it was the complete lack of comprehension that we should not be near one another that I noticed. We have it pretty light here in Scotland so far, but if arseholes keep this up, we'll be fecked.

Keep safe.



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Deek. I'm in Scotland. just over the water from you in the Lothians. I can see fife from my front door.
My partner and I have covid virus, as do 3 of my friends nearby. none of us have seen each other in months.

keeping safe means staying in.

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