Mission Control Specialized Mission Control upload pending issues


May 4, 2021
Tucson, AZ
My Specialized Mission Control is "stuck" trying to upload my ride data. How much? Well fourteen of my last rides are stuck in the Upload Pending mode. I use Mission Control with both my LEVO SL and my Tero 5.0. Ride data from both bikes are stuck in the Upload Pending mode. And yes it says: "Upload Pending. Connect to the internet to upload your ride".

Well thank you, but my Google Pixel 6a is indeed connected to the internet. But wait it gets even weirder. Five of those queued rides are from 12/31/69. Yeah right! How in the world do I have rides from 1969 waiting to be uploaded? I don't remember exactly what I was doing on New Years Eve in 1969 but I can tell you I wasn't riding an e-bike. And those 1969 rides are from an unidentified bike!!! Not from my LEVO SL or from my Tero 5.0. Not from my previously owned Creo. Or my previously owned LEVO Comp. Yes some of the other rides waiting to be uploaded are correctly identified (by serial numbers) as either the LEVO SL or the Tero 5.0.

What time/date does my Pixel 6a report? As I am writing this the phone says 11:11 AM Mountain Standard Time May 20, 2023. Which is correct.

So what I have I tried so far? Well I've shut the phone off and rebooted it. But that didn't impact the ride queue. Once the Pixel is up and running again the rides are still trying to upload.

I've disconnected the Pixel from my home wifi server and then reconnected it. That didn't do anything. I turned bluetooth on and off. Grabbing for straws now. That didn't do anything.

Last ride that was actually uploaded? April 27, 2023. The fourteen subsequent rides are stuck in that Upload Pending mode. Yeah there have been other rides in the last 30 days but I forgot to turn the bluetooth on or forgot to take the phone or forgot something.

I do like the Mission Control app. I've used it regularly with all of my Specialized e-bikes. This particular bug (?) is relatively new to me and extremely annoying. Anyone have any suggestions? TIA


May 4, 2021
Tucson, AZ
Have you reinstalled the app?
That is a great question. I have NOT done that. Well why not? Afraid I will lose all of the current data waiting in the queue. Which I suppose is not that big of a deal. Oh wait it is. If it's not in Strava or Ride with GPS or Mission Control then it didn't happen. LOL. Whatever. Reinstalling the app is next on my list of things to do. And should that turn out to be successful I will report it here. But thanks for the suggestion - it is my last resort.


Active member
Jan 27, 2023
That is a great question. I have NOT done that. Well why not? Afraid I will lose all of the current data waiting in the queue. Which I suppose is not that big of a deal. Oh wait it is. If it's not in Strava or Ride with GPS or Mission Control then it didn't happen. LOL. Whatever. Reinstalling the app is next on my list of things to do. And should that turn out to be successful I will report it here. But thanks for the suggestion - it is my last resort.
Its certainly a software issue, if you wish to keep the rides already logged just share them to yourself and save, i dont think there is a way to direct save to your phone but sharing works the same.
Also when you reinstall make sure you update to the latest version which should happen automatically but check to be sure


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Dont take failure reports too literally! It suggests it cannot uplod to your phone because it is not connected to the internet......but that may not be the reason for the failure. You have a backlog, so it may be that you have insufficent free memory ( RAM) to enable the upload. Try cleaning the phone's memory/storage.

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