Rail 5, jumping limits??


New Member
Mar 29, 2021
Hey all, I got a rail 5 a little over a month ago. It’s super fun! My husband and I have been riding every weekend and I’m getting really into it!
I have found I love hitting some jumps and drops on the trails and want to focus on more jumping. There is a dj section in our woods and I was able to do some straight airs and clear the jumps to the landings, and haven’t really been able to stop thinking about it since.
My question is, I know the rail is an enduro bike not a dirt jumper. I’m not trying to do something on it often that will damage it. I would rather get a dj or freestyle bike if I’m going to break my rail and then use each for their intended purpose. On the other hand if it is ok to jump the rail, then I can keep that money for upgrades etc. any advice would be very appreciated, I’m learning as much as fast as I can but it’s all pretty new still!!


Aug 3, 2020
It'll be fine, should be able to take anything you can throw at it assuming the landings are smooth.

If you're hucking to flat off large drops then you may have an issue, but the average jump you'll find on most mountain bike trails will be fine.

Doug Stampfer

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2018
Just send it!!!!!
Have a look at Kyle & Aprils vids on you tube if you want some great advice.
I've found going from an analogue bike to EMTB with more momentum that when you finally come to land you've over shot the landing by about a metre.

Blue Orange

Feb 27, 2022
Cornwall UK
I've had my Rail 5 now for 9 days. Spend time setting your suspension rather than upgrade too soon. Learn what you want from your suspension and then you'll have more ideas on what you want to upgrade to.

The best money you can spend is on a cheap DJ bike. You don't need to spend much the purpose is only to get you comfortable in the air and learn how to move the bike and your body weight around. Since I bought a jump bike my learning curve has rocketed. I'm now hitting 30' plus gaps and anything up to that on my Rail and that's with no upgrades.

I'm 59 years old by the way. I found that the youngsters are so eager to show you what they know and progressively move you on.
It's changed my life. It's so much fun.

Go send it. 💪👏

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