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  1. Randall_Flagg

    Schwalbe Eddy Current

    I have just ordered a pair for my Kenevo, the Nobby Nic’s and Butchers are just too unpredictable when they let go and the sidewall’s are too flimsy for my riding style. I’m hoping these will be all I hope them to be! ? Cheers Ben
  2. Randall_Flagg

    Portes du Soleil - MTB/EMTB Event in June

    Ah, nice! I decided against the epds and opted for the standard ppds instead, although I wish I had of booked that too now! I am planning to buy an uplift pass on the Sunday and ride the regular trails if you’re interested? See you there! Ben
  3. Randall_Flagg

    Portes du Soleil - MTB/EMTB Event in June

    I am super looking forward to it! I am hoping that some other like mindeds are going too, it would be cool to meet some of the EMTB Forums patrons! I want to ride the area a lot more in the summer so I have a couple of trips planned to Les Gets/Morzine to really thrash it out! ;) Cheers bud Ben
  4. Randall_Flagg

    Portes du Soleil - MTB/EMTB Event in June

    Hey EMTB peeps! Anyone going to the Portes Du Soleil opening event on 28/29/30 June? It looks like it’s going to be epic! I have the Trek ticket on the Friday booked but I am looking to stay the weekend as it’s a festival type vibe with 8000 odd riders going and a cool bike show, stalls etc...