Porcupine Slim
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  • Hello

    A member of this forum recommended me to message you since you are familiar with riding Ebikes in the everglades. I am thinking of purchasing a bike to use in the Big cypress / everglades area and would appreciate any advice you can give me in what to look for? Thanks
    Porcupine Slim
    Porcupine Slim
    I rode in Florida in the 80s and 90s before eBikes.

    Spent time in 70s thru 80s at Big Cypress, Fakahatchee, Corkscrew, Collier and the National Park, but in canoes, airboats, and swamp buggies.

    FWIW, I now live in Utah.

    Have an impression that trails are established in Southwest Florida now that people are interested in the interior. Don't know if they are bike-friendly.

    Best regards.
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