Anyone one make their own recipe
Although i bought some cheap conti sealant which has been fine , two punctures and good sealing , i decided to make my own as I have a few more wheels to do.
I used a recipe i found on single tracks , modified it as follows
1) Liquid latex
2) Ready-mixed-antifreeze-coolant
3)A jumbo-eraser and or cornmeal - this is what Stans has in it cornmeal as the grain size varies from 0.3 to 0.6, mm , patent is expired so you can see the recipe
, you could also file off some filings from an old tyre.
4)A grater
5) 1/4 cup of distilled water or nice spring water
Get a sealable bottle (old/unused water bottle), and mix a solution of 50% of (1) and 50% of (2). Leave about a 1/4 of the bottle’s volume empty.
Then take (4), and grate 50% of (3) or 25% of 3 and 5 . Add to the bottle and shake well.
Finally, adjust for consistency by adding (1) or (2) and (5) as needed. You want it to be the thickness of regular tyre sealant.
cost me about £6.00 for 2 litres , plus plenty of ingredients left over to make more
Running in two sets currently , we will see if it is effective , a mate of mine brews his own and swears by it for years , similar recipe
Its' quite fun making your own if your that way inclined
Although i bought some cheap conti sealant which has been fine , two punctures and good sealing , i decided to make my own as I have a few more wheels to do.
I used a recipe i found on single tracks , modified it as follows
1) Liquid latex
2) Ready-mixed-antifreeze-coolant
3)A jumbo-eraser and or cornmeal - this is what Stans has in it cornmeal as the grain size varies from 0.3 to 0.6, mm , patent is expired so you can see the recipe
4)A grater
5) 1/4 cup of distilled water or nice spring water
Get a sealable bottle (old/unused water bottle), and mix a solution of 50% of (1) and 50% of (2). Leave about a 1/4 of the bottle’s volume empty.
Then take (4), and grate 50% of (3) or 25% of 3 and 5 . Add to the bottle and shake well.
Finally, adjust for consistency by adding (1) or (2) and (5) as needed. You want it to be the thickness of regular tyre sealant.
cost me about £6.00 for 2 litres , plus plenty of ingredients left over to make more
Running in two sets currently , we will see if it is effective , a mate of mine brews his own and swears by it for years , similar recipe
Its' quite fun making your own if your that way inclined