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  1. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    That was astonishing. A masterclass.
  2. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Dakota Norton denies he's riding a secret prototype this weekend.
  3. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Predictions, gang? As usual, I get it wrong every tiime but I note VDS continues to be Loic's least favourite track & I would love to see Jess Blewitt translate her quali & semis form to a podium.
  4. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Not been to Les Gets for the dh but I used to do ski seasons in the alps. My view, you'll love it. Beautiful surroundings, good food & drink, everything is really expensive & the locals are doing you a favour taking your money! You'll have a ball.
  5. RustyMTB

    Pic of the Day

    We've imported summer from Scandinavia by the look of things. Anyway, I have eye surgery booked next week so that was my last ride for a month. 😭
  6. RustyMTB

    Pic of the Day

  7. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    He's not doing great is he? I held out high hopes for him over the past couple of seasons but he caught Covid last year i think & hasn't really got back to his best since. IIRC he also looped out off camera at Leogang last year trying to manual on the motorway.
  8. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    The woods are deadly. Hands up who remembers 2020 Leogang, that was hilarious.
  9. RustyMTB

    Pic of the Day

    Moody skies & big drops.
  10. RustyMTB

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    Full rebuild kit for my shock. Should keep me greasy for a while.
  11. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    I mentioned Dialled a while back. Pity it's gone, it was a very enjoyable strand of race weeks with a cast of likeable characters, not least Shaffer & Jake. At a guess, Fox decided they didn't need the cost of it nor the marketing benefit. shame though, I could do with more of Jordi's world...
  12. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Interesting thing about what you say on Ethan. We all have our favourites but I can't ever remember seeing a race & thinking I wish someone else had won. Love that about the racing, they're pretty much all deserving & I'm usually pleased for whoever wins when you take into account the risks...
  13. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Early thoughts on the developing season, Bruni is still the danger man, Ronan Dunne is on fire & will be amongst it all season. Special big ups to Adam Brayton, mid pack fodder at best but put down a heater at Hardline & gapped the top section which NO ONE else managed, love me a secret line...
  14. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    If you include Tasmania, he's won three out of the last four elite races he's entered. Absolute danger culchie. 🇮🇪
  15. RustyMTB

    Pic of the Day

    Hey, get your tanks off my lawn. 😂
  16. RustyMTB


    Come on in , the water's lovely.
  17. RustyMTB

    New bike time: £4-5k budget

    Got close up to a Wyte e lite yesterday. It was the 10k build but a very nice thing as it should be. Also bumped into Daryl Brown but that's another story.
  18. RustyMTB

    DH World Cup thread

    Ronan Dunne is a goblin.
  19. RustyMTB

    Pic of the Day

    Quick spin round the joint, taking in the famous Iron age hill fort, Chanctonbury ring.
  20. RustyMTB

    New bike time: £4-5k budget

    Bosch are generally highly rated for user experience, Shimano have good reasons to avoid & Brose ties you to Spesh. No motors are trouble free, some are easier to own than others & manufacturers are never telling you the faliure rate, hence Bosch get well repped.