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  1. Mik3F

    AXS battery drain

    Like I said, it shows the exact same on my Garmin Watch - as in the AXS battery doesnt change from 100% even when I know it is at at less than that Must be a bug in how it communicates it charge to third party apps, as it works fine within the AXS app
  2. Mik3F

    AXS battery drain

    The battery is in your hand, it shouldn't even be reading the percentage left For what it is worth, my Garmin watch does the same when reading the battery level. I don't think it is implemented very well, I suspect it will got from 100% to 0% or very close with nothing in between
  3. Mik3F

    Cassette will this fit?

    Depends, Whats your current drivetrain - mech etc Are you planning on changing it?
  4. Mik3F

    Cassette will this fit?

    I stand corrected
  5. Mik3F

    Cassette will this fit?

    You will have no issues then The NX cassette uses the Shimano (microspline) driver body
  6. Mik3F

    Cassette will this fit?

    What model Sram cassette is it? If its a NX it will fit fine If its a GX or above then it wont fit on that Driver body
  7. Mik3F

    Breaking Chains

    Only broke one chain this far and that was at Dyfi, luckily for me it snapped at the quick link so a quick and easy fix
  8. Mik3F

    GX AXS battery goes red when in the charger

    Faulty battery ? Do you have another to test with