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  1. M

    Shimano battery in frame 504w stuck and won’t release!

    The Nuke proof website says to turn the bolt clockwise and this happened to mine first time! I didn't even need to remove the battery, I was just fiddling about.
  2. M

    Nukeproof Megawatt Owners Thread

    Can confirm, Sugru works extremely well unless. Has held up well though some serious abuse. No more holes for goop and water.
  3. M

    Nukeproof Megawatt Owners Thread

    I just got my bike yesterday and am yet to ride it. I was going to bung the holes with Sugru (this stuff is amazing) and make my own seals. It can be removed easily if cables need changing but it would be semi permanent. I use it all over the house for jobs like this. I've ordered one as well...
  4. M

    Nukeproof Megawatt Owners Thread

    I don't think the headsets are being installed correctly during assembly. Check out manufactures website:
  5. M

    Nukeproof Megawatt Owners Thread

    Did you manage to find it? I want mine for insurance purposes?