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  1. jimriley

    £50 bike repair voucher

    From the .gov website. I'd rather spend it on parts and do the work myself, maybe a spare chain and rear block, slime tubes, tyres etc. The scheme says the LBS should do the work though. Hopefully they will be snowed under and will be happy to do just parts.... GuidanceFix your Bike Voucher...
  2. jimriley

    WARNING TICKS!!!! - please read

    So what's he done to deserve it then?. I know a chap with a fully electric boat, a Broads Cruiser, roof full of solar feeding LFP batteries with a lynch motor.
  3. jimriley

    WARNING TICKS!!!! - please read

    Decidedly not! I have a narrowboat, Assorted Fishists and Maggot Drowners are a nuisance, get in everybody's way.
  4. jimriley

    WARNING TICKS!!!! - please read

    Only if you have a small rod. Otherwise show off.
  5. jimriley

    Hello from Littleborough Lancs

    Hi, Just joined this and other ebike fora. (there's the first thing to debate? the plural of forum!) Got a Bbs01b 250w on order to fit my hybrid bike. I might also try it on my giraffe unicycle. (Not!) ? I do a mix of off road on local bridleways, canal towpath and roads, a few hills around...