I just received a surprise parcel from UPS, (late as usual according to my Wife) but on opening it, my Wife says “happy early Christmas” and this was inside 😁I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow cause I’m going to try it out, I was going to get one after Christmas because my family always put money...
Any donation to any of the Air Ambulances is an amazing gesture of generosity but one that’s close to your heart is one for good karma, good on ya Steve 👍😎
I’ve said it before that a lot of none bikers are just jealous and can’t afford an ebike but won’t admit that so they have to justify that by saying that we’re cheating or just stop riding with ebikers to save giving us that Green eyed monster look 🤣🤣
Same here, I now have 6 ebike friends but that’s not to say I ride with them every time, In fact quite the opposite, WHEN, I do go out I love to record my rides and put them on YouTube, but I feel a bit of a pain in the arse to them when I have to stop and change batteries etc, riding on my own...
I’d recommend trying what I did first, I took my derailleur off and give it a good flush out with a good quality degreaser especially around the spring and I was amazed how much grit came out, I applied some light oil and it’s been fine since 👍
That’s what I like about Smoove lube, it’s a wax based lube but it’s dry to the touch, even in the filthiest of rides my drivetrain is the cleanest part of my bike, don’t get me wrong it’s not spotless but there’s much less mud on there than the rest of my bike
I bought a magnetic latch mount for my GoPro 13 and as per usual it was delivered by the Unreliable Parcel Service (UPS) and true to form it arrived a day late and in a box literally 10 times bigger than the GoPro box and without any padding to excuse the size of the box, I don’t want to offend...
Next thing you’ll be telling us is it’s the wrong kind of snow, we’ve got that one already nailed in the UK 😁
It looks stunning by the way and I’m jealous as usual 😉
I’m sorry buddy but I only just spotted this reply, thanks but I sorted it, I ended up fitting new crank arms, pedals and caps, bit more expensive than I intended but hey ho 👍
Many thanks for your reply Mike, I will make a new pre set on my GoPro with these settings for my next ride, as ever mate it’s very much appreciated 🙏👍
Is it just me or has anyone else found that the Hyperwide angle lens isn’t much wider on the GoPro 13 than the widest angle on the GoPro 9 black, I tested them side by side and the different is very slightly different, maybe it’s something I’m missing in the settings, maybe it’s because GoPro...