Recent content by JoshuaSharpe

  1. J

    Why no reviews of Whyte bikes by Rob?

    Professional is correct. The 'Rob rides eMTB' youtube channel (and this forum) is Robyn's job and his business. Despite his earlier protest, anyone that assumes Rob reviews these bikes for free is being a bit naive.
  2. J

    Just browsing opinions before buying.

    Thank you for all the very valuable advice. I currently ride a Cube hardtail and have "test ridden" a couple at a bike shop but the test rides consist of a few meters outside the shop with a shop owner staring at you like you're about to steal his bike (which of course is completely...
  3. J

    Just browsing opinions before buying.

    Hi, Don't own eMTB yet, just analogue. Going to browse through people's opinions before parting with very hard-earned cash. J