Recent content by Hadz

  1. Hadz

    Norco Sight VLT

    thanks for the response, yep it's easy for the $$ to add up, doh this so addictive. I was thinking the MRP Progressive Spring would work well - MRP Progressive Springs more $$ :( and as I am still a newbie not sure if I would notice the difference. Starting to ride and enjoy the jump style...
  2. Hadz

    Norco Sight VLT

    Hi maramouse, bike looks great. Had my VLT for 9 months and just fitted the Factory Grip 2, just wondering how the Fox dhx2 is going? and what size did you put on?
  3. Hadz

    Motor mounts e160, grease/loctite, yes/no?

    Had a similar annoying creak on my VLT, it was driving me mad, usually with weight on the right crank. Checked every bolt I could find for weeks. Ended up being the centre motor mount bolt behind the chainring. Grease / re-torque and noise gone.
  4. Hadz

    Hi from downunder, Australia

    Thanks for the welcome, just moved from QLD, miss the warmer weather though
  5. Hadz

    Hi from downunder, Australia

    Relatively new to MTB, just over 8 months. Was about to get back in to the road scene but changed my mind at the last minute and got a Norco Sight VLT for my 50th. Been learning how to ride it on some great trails in Victoria, Australia. Still smiling :)