Recent content by Glenn

  1. G

    How to break the bead off of the rim?

    It's too late now you've gone Tubeless but as previously stated I prefer inserts in my tyres. I have Tannus Tyre Armour inserts in my tyres. These have the double effect of preventing punctures and also if you do get a catastrophic rip in your tyre you can still ride home or back to the van...
  2. G

    Glasses lens colours?

    I'm a bloke and wear clear glasses, but if i were a woman i would definitely be a Lesbian so there must be something in it.................
  3. G

    Hello fellow Ebikers;

    I'm Glenn from Derby, been lurking around your site for about a year now, one of those who played the "get a Decathlon Stilus game". Anyway i finally got one and was so impressed my lad also got one (eventually). I live about midway between Cannock Chase and Sherwood Pines so usually alternate...