Recent content by Ergon_the_saddler

  1. E

    STUnlocker (ex Shimano STEPS Unlocker) Android & Windows App for derestriction/market change and etc

    Right, my mistake. I just jumped into an active conversation with you in it. Should have been more active in choosing the right thread. Still, do you have any knowledge about what happens on the Shimano side of things and how permanent/visible they will be?
  2. E

    STUnlocker (ex Shimano STEPS Unlocker) Android & Windows App for derestriction/market change and etc

    Hi Vadll, Do you know how the "Regulation change history" for a DU-EP800 works? I had a user report with a red warning. Then after reseting to default settings its no longer marked red but there is a timestamp for a regulation change. Is this all the information the DU stores, that a...