Why do people have a problem with ebikes?


May 17, 2020
Boulder, CO
People will give you many reasons, most of them valid even, but I have a hunch that even if none of those reasons were valid, it still might happen. In the US from what I can tell people almost universally dislike any mode of transport larger, faster, or noisier than what they are on. You can line them up, left to right, and the vast majority of people hate on anyone to the right of them on the line, and are fine with people to the left.

hiker - horse - bike - e-bike - motorcycle - atv - side-by-side - 4x4

In all of the places I have lived, you can pretty much just throw a dart at that line above and assume that all of the people on the left think all of the people on the right shouldn't be on "their" trails and all of the people on the right wonder what the people to the left of them have against them.


E*POWAH Master
Jun 11, 2020
New Forest, England
Interesting observations... thanks for sharing.

When I first saw e-bike on the road, it was a mature lady overtaking me uphill and I thought, thats not cricket.

At the time, I was looking for a 1hr cardio workout and I thought if I get an e-bike, I will need +2hrs to get the same level of exercise.

Then, I moved to the woods and I realised that I vant van!

Besides, there is a place for both. E.g. do you prefer horse or motorcycle? Chariot or a car? All desirable for diff settings.


May 17, 2020
Boulder, CO
I used to be in a mountain biking club, it was funny to hear them all talk shit about dirt bikers, not realizing I was a dirt biker as well. I like hiking, biking, e-biking, dirt biking, and 4x4ing so I'm down to being able to hate horse riders, atvs, and side-by-sides. I mean come on, what's with all of the shit on the trails and donuts in the parking lot? ?


Active member
May 16, 2020
When I meet people on trails, city, anywhere who say something about Ebikes, good or bad, I always offer my bike for them to try.

I met a fortysomething guy on a DH track last year ,he tried my bike, he heard things about them, but never tried, and I met him again several weeks ago, and he was on an Ebike. (y)
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Mar 9, 2020
I love my pedal bikes but just sold most of them. Privateer went yesterday. Just down to the E-sommet. Works for right now with the lack of travel during covid and did not see the sense having the optic/161 sitting around. Seem to have more fun on the ebike. The Dh part is nuts I prefer the E-sommet over the privateer!


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2019
North Yorkshire, UK
People will give you many reasons, most of them valid even, but I have a hunch that even if none of those reasons were valid, it still might happen. In the US from what I can tell people almost universally dislike any mode of transport larger, faster, or noisier than what they are on. You can line them up, left to right, and the vast majority of people hate on anyone to the right of them on the line, and are fine with people to the left.

hiker - horse - bike - e-bike - motorcycle - atv - side-by-side - 4x4

In all of the places I have lived, you can pretty much just throw a dart at that line above and assume that all of the people on the left think all of the people on the right shouldn't be on "their" trails and all of the people on the right wonder what the people to the left of them have against them.
:D Hah, that pretty much sums up my theory that walkers/hikers hate everyone who isn't one of them, and they probably hate sub-sections of their own "species" too. In all my years of off roading I never had any trouble from anyone except walkers. They would just seem to go out of their way to pick an argument on what must have previously been a nice country walk.

I have to say, psychologically, if there is one thing marring my full enjoyment of biking right now, it's this nagging feeling in my mind that any moment now, someone is gonna have a dig at me. I catch myself preparing arguments in my head while I'm riding. I believe its a product of the way I was brought up in both a very negative atmosphere at home and in a town where you'd just get digged at for no reason, by anyone.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Why do people have a problem with eBikes?

Well maybe not always a problem as such. Something occurred to me when a close friend saw my eMTB for the first time and said, “man, your bike is a beast!” His reaction actually surprised me.

Come to think about it, we do a lot of research before committing to purchase an eMTB. The price tags are no joke, so we do strained gazing for more and more details until we’re so used to their typical appearance that we think they’re just bicycles with motors. But to the casual observer, eMTBs can be very intimidating to look at. I mean, we don’t think so because we’re desensitised when looking at: big downtubes, long travel suspension, 203mm disc brake rotors with twin pot calipers, burly fat knobbly tyres, fenders, and electronic controls or even GPS displays on the handlebars.

Maybe “cheat” is just a mispronounced knee-jerk exclamation for the word “sh*t!”

Have we become space-cowboys without even realising it?! :alien::unsure::oops::giggle:
When I took my Focus Jam2 into the local bike shop (no "e") for the first time, the reaction was "that's a beast!". As you say, wide tyres, big section tubes and so forth.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I think the world was clearly warned in 1992 when "The Shamen" sang their lyrical prophecy about e-bikes of the future ...

A great philosopher once wrote
Naughty, naughty, very naughty
Ha ha ha ha ha
There's a guy in the place who's got a bittersweet face
And he goes by the name of Ebeneezer Goode
His friends call him 'Ezeer and he is the main geezer
And he'll vibe up the place like no other man could
He's refined, sublime, he makes you feel fine
Though very much maligned and misunderstood
But if you know 'Ezeer he's a real crowd pleaser
He's ever so good, he's Ebeneezer Goode
You can see that he's mischievous, mysterious and devious
When he circulates amongst the people in the place
But once you know he's fun, and something of a genius
He gives a grin that goes around from face to face to face
Backwards and then forwards, forwards and then backwards
'Eezer is the geezer who loves to muscle in
That's about the time the crowd all shout the name of 'Eezer
As he's kotcheled in the corner, laughing by the bass bin
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
"Has anyone got any Vera's?"
Lovely Ya Ha Ha Ha
A Great Philospher once wrote
Naughty Naughty, Very Naughty
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ebeneezer Goode, leading light of the scene, know what I mean?
He created the vibe - He takes you for a ride as if by Design
The party ignites like it's comin' alive
He takes you to the top, shakes you all around
Then back down - you know as he gets mellow
Then as smooth as the groove that is making you move
He glides into your mind with a sunny "Hello!"
A gentleman of leisure he's there for your pleasure
But go easy on old 'Ezeer he's the love you could lose
Extraordinary fellow, like Mr Punchinello
He's the kind of geezer who must never be abused
When you're in town and Ebeneezer is around
You can sense a presence in the sound of the crowd
He gets them all at it, the party starts rocking, the people get excited
It's time to shout loud
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode
'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
"Got any salmon Sorted"
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
Oh what a carry on, ha ha ha ha ha
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
Oh what a carry on, ha ha ha ha ha
He's Ebeneezer Goode
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode
He's Ebeneezer Goode

Seems to pretty well sum up e-biking ..
Apr 26, 2020
Out west

Let's face it, watch the news.
Factions everywhere have a problem with everything that doesn't suit them.
Have done throughout history (and some factions want to eradicate that)
And will not only continue to do so, for ever, but sadly with increasing veracity and intolerance, as we get squeezed ever more onto our overpopulate little rock...

Haters gona hate.

I have not experienced it on the ebike, quite the opposite, but if I do I will just smile back and ride on.

We have bigger problems

Peace and love to all. ?‍❤️‍?‍?

Funny, I've been riding in the woods forever. I also hike. We have a fantastic trail system. Some of it segregated to keep bikers from running down hikers or spooking horses. A couple weeks ago I went for a hike. Bombing down the hike and horse trail are 3 local knuckle heads. They knew better. They claimed ignorance but the signs are impossible to miss. At that moment, I understood why some people don't like us.....


Jun 13, 2019
In my experiences with ebike hate wankers is that they have all been very fit mother fuckers and I Think that when you blow them away on the trail they think it's unfair how they have ridden everyday for the last 20 years then someone who has an ebike basically to prevent a premature death is faster, that really pisses them off.
I have actually said to one fuckwitt "oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise we in in world mountain bike championships", I was out by myself when his posse was on the same trail as me, I said it's only cheating if we are racing we aren't racing so fuck off.


⚡ eGeezer ⚡
Oct 5, 2019
New Zealand
Caught up with a friend I haven’t seen in years. He’s currently working as a bike mechanic in a LBS. He’s wanting to get an EEB for himself too, but his place of work refuses to sell them. Apparently their clientele is exclusively fitness types only. Fair enough I guess... it’s a free country and to each his own. If only the name calling would stop - and make like the song goes... “why can’t we be friends?” ?


Jul 22, 2019
Los Angeles, CA, USA
So I've owned my ebike a month or so now and one thing I've noticed is people seem to have some sort of issue with the fact it's got a battery and motor.

I've had comments it's cheating or not a real mountain bike along with some funny ones like do you need to charge it!

This completely took me by surprise as I'd never though about it too much before buying it, To me it's simply and upgrade that removes the downsides on biking, mainly slogging up steep Welsh hills!

These things are the future and it's obvious to anyone that ownes one but for some reason some people don't seem to get it.

So what's the deal, why the hate on ebikes? View attachment 33188
I started mountain biking in the late 1980’s. What you are seeing is nothing new. Cycling’s roots are very traditional. Wool jerseys, rim brakes, skinny tires. Some people made fun of pretty much every advancement starting with mountain bikes themselves, then aluminum frames, then the first suspension fork, body protection, downhill specific bikes, cross bikes, etc etc etc. One year ago I used to get a lot of those comments here in So Cal and still get looks and the occassional snide remark, but e-bikes are more accepted now as more and more and more people are getting them, be it on the mountain or road. Give it time. For now, you can come up with some good zingers to reply to the real jerks if you want. But most that say those things are likely jealous or curious so I would just be respectful and try to be an ambassador for e-bikes. One day, some of the same people will be on them too.
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
Cycling’s roots are very traditional. Wool jerseys, rim brakes, skinny tires. Some people made fun of pretty much every advancement starting with mountain bikes themselves, then aluminum frames, then the first suspension fork, body protection, downhill specific bikes, cross bikes, etc etc etc.

Ah yes... See the following link: Velominati – Keepers of the Cog



Active member
Jun 14, 2020
We have had this discussion for a while and it is nothing new, but I can understand why. Yes, there is a motor, the elephant in the room of the discussion. No doubt about that. Yes, trails were orignally sanctioned for non motorized vehicles, yup. But e-bikes weren't even a twinkle in anyones eye when those rules were set. They were to exclude throttle powered gas vehicles.

Lets get into the negative's...
They are cheating. Is this a race? Seriously, who are they cheating? If you car shuttle to a peak for a downhill, shouldn't that also be considered cheating?
They are heavier. Is there a weight limit on trails? If you weigh 200 lb and ride a 30lb bike, how is that different than me being 180 and riding a 50lb e-bike?
They are too fast. I am no where near as fast as a Cat 1 racer on a trail.
No Etiquette, newbie riders. I am sorry, but idiots/assholes know no bounds.
People will get in over their heads. Well, they can get out of the situation too.
and my favorite...
People will be riding more and the trails will more crowded. Isn't getting people off the couch and out in nature a good thing?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I kinda hate rules dude. I tend to break the law pretty much every day nevermind those cringy velominati roadie rules.
*I know they're meant in jest, but funny lists are rarely very funny... especially when they aproach 100 points

But yeah. a lot of folk (not just cyclists) could benefit from a little HTFU


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
Los Angeles, CA USA
To be honest, I was expecting more vocal barbs than I've gotten, especially because I usually go to a downhill bike park with no lift access, and I am flying past people on the upline repeatedly... and while I have gotten a couple "that's cheating" it's usually tongue-in-cheek and I've actually gotten more of "that's the way to do it" or "I'm so jealous" etc..

My approach is to own it proudly. I often call out "On your left! Cheater coming through!"
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Dec 14, 2020
Yeah, I had this a few weeks back, where I was sitting at a set of red lights with another cyclist he was one of those lycra dudes, after staring at me for a good 30 seconds, I turned around and looked at him, He looks at me, then looks at my bike and says, 'That's cheating you know" with a stupid grin on his face to which I replied, "I didn't realize we were in the middle of Tour de France here" and he just laughed it off and then the lights went green.


⚡ eGeezer ⚡
Oct 5, 2019
New Zealand
Yeah, I had this a few weeks back, where I was sitting at a set of red lights with another cyclist he was one of those lycra dudes, after staring at me for a good 30 seconds, I turned around and looked at him, He looks at me, then looks at my bike and says, 'That's cheating you know" with a stupid grin on his face to which I replied, "I didn't realize we were in the middle of Tour de France here" and he just laughed it off and then the lights went green.
I wouldn’t have said a thing and just laughed at him. I mean he’s the one wearing a clown suit... in everyday traffic with no race event going on. ?

If words needed to be exchanged, I’d say...

“That’s rich coming from a road racer... didn’t Lance Armstrong say you’re all cheaters?” ;)

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