• Warning!!

    Riding a tuned or deristricted EMTB is not a trivial offence and can have serious legal consequences. Also, many manufacturers can detect the use of a tuning device or deristricting method and may decline a repair under warranty if it was modified from the intended original specification. Deristricting EMTB's can also add increased loads for motors and batteries. Riding above the local law limit may reclassify the bike as a low-powered bike, requiring insurance, registration and a number plate.

    Be aware of your local country laws. Many laws prohibit use of modified EMTB's. It is your responsibility to check local laws. Ignoring it, has potential implications to trail access, and risk of prosecution in the event of an accident.

    UK Pedelec Law

    Worldwide Laws

    We advise members great caution. EMTB Forums accepts no liability for any content or advice given here. 

Badass box for 2019 turbo levo


Active member
Feb 13, 2019
Berg en Terblijt, The Netherlands
I'm not extremely pleased with the BAB. But it works. And I must say that the (stock) levo lacks the proper gearing range to comfortably pedal at >40km/h. (Which is plenty fast for me, but just saying the use of any derestricter for me is limited to the bits of road to and from the trails to my home)


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Just learn how to spin faster.
30mph isn't difficult to reach with 32 x 11t
(less than 120rpm)


New Member
Feb 2, 2019
Market Drayton
@ASV why did you buy a mountain bike if you then remove the gearing that lets it go up mountains and want to maintain 30mph - I assume on less bumpy terrain? Would it not have made more sense to by a pedelec or conversion of some sort and have a faster, probably better suited machine rather than a non-mountainable mountain bike?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
one thing is to hit 30mph another is to travel at 30mph

“learn to spin faster” please lets keep this thread stupid free.

120rpm is not exactly superhuman cadence to maintain.

Don't run around calling folk stupid just because you can't be bothered to learn how to spin pedals faster than 90rpm

also... talking of "Stupid" where are you planning on doing this constant 30mph?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Which is why I asked
I don't mean which country. That is obvious.
I mean what terrain? off road or on?


New Member
Feb 2, 2019
Market Drayton
not that it's any of your business what i do with my bikes but i ride gravel. i don't have a dedicated gravel bike.
why are you so aggressive and ansty? you tell us about your purchases (BAB, chainrings, cassette) and then get cross when people ask you about them.

There's a simple answer to not wanting to interact with people on forums.....

Just relax and don't assume everyone is out to get you.....


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Apology accepted but chill out dude.

I'm not out to get you bro.
Calling me "stupid" for simply having a different view point to you and suggesting an alternative solution to your need for speed probably wasn't really called for was it?
Is suggesting to an ebike rider to try and improve themselves before instantly looking for fixes for the bike really so bad?

I'm not sure why you're bringing it up here but pedal strikes are not exclusively confined to noobs or even something expert riders never experience.. but if you are getting lots of them the situation can be improved vastly with dedicated riding technique practice, trail reading and a bit of fore thought. Same as pedalling efficience and cadence can be improved through repetition, drills and actively practicing at higher rpm. I come from a road/BMX/DH background and happen to have a freakishly fast spin so don't even see 120rpm as all that high. Certainly attainable by most experienced cyclists on the road anyway. FWIW had I known you were planning on riding off-road at 30mph I well may not have suggested trying to ride sustaining as high a cadence as 120. But I'd still have suggested you change the chainring and try to up your cadence before swapping to a 10t cassette. This is because I happen to think putting a 10t sprocket on an off road Ebike is a pretty bad idea.
XD freehubs/cassette interface is actually an improvement over the long in the tooth HG standard but due to minimal chainwrap on a 10t sprocket and the extra power (and dirt) it's going to be seeing I wouldn't expect that tiny l'il sprocket to last very long if used a lot.

Oh.. .and trust me my battery eventually runs out just like everyone elses.


Dec 19, 2018
why are you so aggressive and ansty? you tell us about your purchases (BAB, chainrings, cassette) and then get cross when people ask you about them.

There's a simple answer to not wanting to interact with people on forums.....

Just relax and don't assume everyone is out to get you.....

Because he is a Yankee,?

All Mountain Coaching

Oct 3, 2018
I received my unit and im disappointed. first off this thing is 3D printed in the worst possible material HP MJF technology, which i despise. waiting for my pear tune, after i install it ill probably list the BAB for sale stateside. also aesthetically-speaking the BAB is horrible.
Interested to hear about the pear.
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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2018
i put a 38T chainring and im installing a 10-45 cassette. im hoping to travel 30mph [48 kmh].
we'll see.
38T and 10-46 works great.
You can sustain 45-48 km/h for longer periods of time if you want, with cadence around 100-110. But anything more, you will hit 120rpm+ and this is hard to sustain, well for most of use, unless you are Froom. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2018
I spin all over the place , I’m heavy , I crash the fucking thing into stuff often and also fall off and have numerous pedal strikes normally when I’m trying to light a fag on a climb to annoy my friends ... hey each to there own .... let’s attack the horse riders not our own ! Lololol


Oct 7, 2018
give us all the deets.

how easy to install?

is it really unlimited speed? (bad butt box limits you to 30mph)

any pics of it, before during after install?

any issues so far?
Under 10 mins to install. Apparently no limit. I've done 44kmh pretty easily. No problems. If your looking to derestrict I would definitely recommend this product.

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